Mentalism Tricks: Getting Started With Mentalism

What is Mentalism ?

Mentalism is a type of magic. Mentalism is highly associated with psychology. The concept is to see things that are "invisible" to normal people and make them belive that you can read their thoughts.

Getting Started

Before getting started with mentalism it's good to get familiar with typical magic tricks first. Try learning those card and coin tricks that you can see on the internet. Those are very good practice before going on higher level magic - mentalism. Also it's good idea to observe famousmentalists like Criss Angel or David Blaire... also try to understand how do they do things.

Mentalists do tricks often in front of many people as you have probably seen on TV - this is another thing you should practice, try doing your tricks in front of your friends or familty first before going in front of larger public.

One very important thing to learn is understanding human behaviour - try watching people's behaviour at different situations and soon you will start noticing certain things they do at certain situtations.

After learning basic magic tricks you are probably impatient to start mentalism tricks. There are free guides around the internet, but it's best to get some kind of a book which starts from the beginning and will tell you everything about it. Also there are many books available also in electronic form.

Some people are really natural, but for some people it takes some time, just remember not to give up, everyone can do it if they are willing to put some effort into it.

Good luck!