Anabolic Steroids and Creatine's Effects on the Body

Aside from protein powder (which may technically be a food), creatine is by far the most successful and used supplement in history.  Simply put, it works to draw water into the muscle bellies of your body.  This gives you more leverage when lifting, which allows you to lift more weight.  You also retain more water throughout your body, which gives you a light ‘bloat’ and making you feel as big as a house.  This leads to the jump on the scale, which is one of the main goals of early lifters.

Most people who use anabolic steroids (AAS) will tell you that the vast majority of steroids also provide you with a water bloat.  It’s not the same bloat, of course.  AAS also delivers other useful effects, including muscle cell growth and increased red blood cell production.  However, many steroid users discount the use of creatine as a result.  They believe it is just water they don’t need.

They shouldn’t be too quick to jump to conclusions.  Right off the bat, not all steroids provide a bloat.  Anavar, for example, promotes no water retention.  Users of anavar should certainly use creatine, if muscle gain is their goal.  However, if they selected Anavar specifically because they wish to avoid the bloat, then creatine should not be used.  Creatine is useful for bodybuilders in building strength and size – this isn’t denied.  However, there is an argument which states otherwise.  The effects of creatine should theoretically be more pronounced while on gear than while off gear, and should definitely help you build muscle a bit faster, even when on a cycle. Using creatine during post-cycle therapy (PCT) and off cycle only makes sense on the surface, but you might be entering PCT with a bit less muscle than you would have had using creatine during your cycle

If you’re a natural bodybuilder, creatine use should be automatic.  You will add ten to fifteen pounds of water weight to your muscles.  They will appear larger, and fuller, and you will be stronger in the gym.  This newfound strength will allow you to lift heavier weights, which will lead to greater gains.  This is why creatine is so popular – it works!  The gains are temporary, however, as the water weight you gain will disappear when you stop using the product.

A final recommendation plays the safe route.  It probably is useful for those using gear, but is very likely useful for naturals, and those coming down from a steroid cycle.  If you use steroids, creatine may be useful while on-cycle for a few more pounds of ‘water muscle’.  When you complete a cycle, its use may be very useful, in helping you to maintain the water weight and some of the size.  You can use it until you begin your next cycle, then ease back on its use for a few months.  This allows you to keep the water weight (and corresponding strength gains) all year long, while still being able to give your body’s receptors a break from the steroids.