Attaining Intelligence Improvement

Going back to IQ, I am sure almost everybody has heard of it (otherwise, you might be living under a rock or in another planet). IQ or intelligence quotient is a score acquired from one of various standardized tests that were constructed to evaluate intelligence. The name IQ actually came from the terminologyIntelligenz-Quotientof the Germans. The one who specifically coined this caption was William Stern, a German psychologist, around 1912. He did this when he introduced a way to measure the score of children’s intelligence tests at that time.

These standardized tests today utilize two theories --- unitary and multiple --- which many believe to be crucial theories in the study of the brain and in attaining intelligence improvement. Let us dissect these two brain theories:

  1. Unitary theory – This pertains to that part of our brain that is responsible for our mathematical and linguistic abilities.
  2. Multiple theory – These are the parts of our brain that are responsible for all our other brain functions: visual, spatial, rhythmic, musical, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, interpersonal functions.

According to studies, in order for you to attain intelligence improvement or boost your brain power, you can do these things:

  • Ask yourself “What am I good at?” Answer that question as honestly as you can. Any person can be considered intelligent as long as they have a skill that they are good at. It can be musical, visual, kinesthetic, the arts, etc.  Intelligence improvement can happen in so many ways. A lot of people possess different kinds of wonderful skills and intelligences. More often than not, they are even aware of it. They go on day in and day out thinking that they’re nobody special when in fact, if they will only discern their true capabilities, they are good at something! You might be the logical kind of person or maybe the creative kind of person and you don’t even know it. You could have been a good lawyer or a good singer but you were not able to find out what you are really good at. So now is the time to look deep into your past experiences and sift through your accomplishments. What were you good at? Then start from there. If you see nothing in your past that denotes your skills, then look at your present. If you are aware that you are the creative type for example, have a go at the arts --- singing, dancing, acting, writing, painting… the world is your playground. Go play with it! You have the potential to excel in anything and all you have to do is try.

    There only a handful of people who can be called geniuses. They are those with the capacity for extreme intelligence and they don’t even have to try so hard. They don’t have to attain intelligence improvement anymore because they are always performing at their peak. Look at Mozart, Einstein, Bach. Maybe even Michael Jackson! They accomplished so many great things which are so hard to duplicate even at this day and age of technology. They are true geniuses.

    This does not mean however, that you have to be like them in order to be successful. The trick is to know what you are good at and to persevere at it. With constant industry and determination, you will be a success. There’s no doubt in that. The more you attain intelligence improvement, the more your brain power will be maximized. The more your brain power is maximized, the more things you can achieve.

    • Expand your spheres of opportunities. This will definitely improve your intelligence and boost your brain potential. What do I mean by these? By opening yourself up to various experiences, new brain neurons will be developed. You can go travel and see new sights and experience various cultures… or go learn a new language….  Make new friends… learn carpentry or go ballroom dancing. The possibilities of new learning are endless.  Exploit that so to speak. Use them to your advantage. Doing these things will bring you intelligence improvement while enjoying yourself at the same time.

      As you can surmise from the above suggestions, it is not difficult to attain intelligence improvement. All you have to do is take that first step. You can take all the IQ tests that you want but the real test of intelligence would be its application in your real life. So start now. It is never too late.

      There are many IQ tests that one can take; however, many people question the accuracy of these tests.

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