Paternal Involvement and Child's Academic Performance

Paternal Involvement

When parents send their children to school, part of their expectations is to see them achieve in school academically. Oftentimes, the role of following –up the child with regards to academic achievement is delegated to the mother. This

practice is most common among Filipino families, because the traditional societal expectation is for the father to earn for the living while the mother takes care of the home and the children.

Although there have been changes in role expectations for parents, it has however

remained that the basic social institution is still the family. It is therefore

now common to see both parents working, and the division of labor and responsibility shared and divided by both the mother and the father

Fathers who demonstrate attention towards their children’s activities in school, including providing them with their social, academic, and social needs, motivate their children to perform

better in school. The act of giving praise and rewards to their children’s school achievements, notwithstanding the involvement that they show in school activities, are motivating factors that will drive the children to perform

better in their academic endeavors.

A father is an important component of the family system because it is connected

not only to paternal behavior but also to the meaning ascribed by the parents to the behavior of their children and themselves. As a result, fathers believe that, indeed, paternal firmness and consistency are hallmarks of how loving and

responsible fathers are to their children.