Faqs About Brahmi (bacopa)

- What is Bacopa (Brahmi)?

A - Bacopa or Bacopa Monnieri (Brahmi) is actually a classic brain and nervine tonic, included in the ‘Brahmi’ category of top ayurvedic herbs. Bacopa also helps in heightening mental acuity and supports the physiological process involved in relaxation.

2 - Who can take Bacopa (Brahmi)?

A - Because herbal medicines are much relatively mild and gentle on the human body, Bacopa Brahmi) can be evenly taken by practically everyone, regardless of age and gender. People can also take Bacopa for ADD/ADHD and memory loss also because it has been very effectively used against these ailments in clinical studies.

3- Are there any side effects to taking Bacopa (Brahmi)?

There are no known side effects to taking this Bacopa. Till the date, there is no record of any person who has experienced side effects after using Brahmi. Person of any age, staying in any environment can also benefit from Brahmi. The Brahmi is an barely credible herb which can change your mental ability dramatically, it helps in improving grasping power in those who take it frequently

4- Is Bacopa addictive?

Bacopa (Brahmi) does not contain any addictive components and it is total safe to use Bacopa for extended periods of time without fear of addiction.

5- What kind of action does Bacopa (Brahmi) have to on the body?

Bacopa has a calming effect and is mainly useful in addressing concerns related to anxiety, hyperactivity, and attention deficit disorders. Further, Bacopa also helps improve intellectual capacity, acuity, clarity of thought, and concentration. Bacopa is above all important for improving memory, especially in the elderly, and shortens learning time.

6- How long do I have to take Bacopa before that I can see results or improvements?

Herbal medicines address health concerns at the root and work in the ways to improve overall health. They provide progressive, long-lasting results. Typically, Bacopa takes 3 - 4 weeks to take the effect, although there are some individual differences, depending on the hard seriousness of the health condition.


Brahmi is a nervine tonic that strongly enhances learning, academic performance and improves mental ability. It is used in the Behavioral disorders and Memory disturbances

Aside from the increasing intellectual and cognitive function, Brahmi also induces a sense of calm and peace in its users. It is unique in its ability to invigorate the mental processes whilst reducing the effects of stress and the nervous anxiety. This makes Brahmi enormously applicable in highly stressful work or study environments where clarity of thought is as significant as being able to work under pressure. Many people have the intelligence to perform to the strict standards, but lack the composure and self-confidence to reach to them. Additionally, Brahmi also helps soothe the restlessness and distraction that nervousness causes. Brahmi is the ideal for students and workers faced with this problem.

BRAHMI has been used since time immemorial as a suer tonic for improving memory. In the gurukuls of ancient India there was the great practice to regularly administer Brahmi to young students to help them learn sacred hymns.

Bitter and astringent in taste and the light and slightly hot in effect, Brahmi is a pacifier of toall the three doshas — mainly kapha and vata. Although people in India, particularly ayurvedic physicians, knew about Brahmi’s benefits thousands of years ago, modern research on it was conducted recently that by the central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow. The trails have resulted in establishing that this long treasured herb, goes besides possessing antioxidant properties, also has the great amazing ability to facilitate learning and enhance memory and concentration.

Ayurvedic tests describe Brahmi as medhya, and a medicine that braces the mind to carry cognitive functions and the intellectual pursuits. But ancient authors seem to believe that the healing effects of Brahmi goes extend far beyond mind and brain. Brahmi is not only a memory-booster and intellect-promoting herb and it is also a tranquilliser, a muscle relaxant, an anti-convulsant, a blood purifier, and an anti-pyretic, carminative and a digestive agent.

Though Brahmi is beneficial for maintaining the tridoshic balance ayurvedic physicians believe it to be the drug of choice for the counteracting the vitiated vata dosha — the factor which governs the overall nervous system,

More on Brahmi and Brahmi mood function