How To Hypnotize Someone

How To Hypnotize Someone

My first experience with hypnosis was right after I graduated from high school. After our graduation the school made all of the students participate in "Project Graduation" to keep the kids out of trouble (drinking, partying). At project graduation there were all kinds of activities for us to do, such as swimming, playing sports, palm readings and so on.

One of the activities was that there was going to be a hypnotist performing his act. A couple of my friends and I got bored so we decided to check it out. All of us of course were not expecting to be impressed by anything we were about to see or participate in.

The hypnotist first introduced himself and asked the audience if anyone knew anything about " target="_self" how to hypnotize someone . No one answered, I don't think anyone ever really thought about hypnosis before. Anyway, the hypnotist asked for a volunteer to get up in front of everyone and participate in his act. My friends decided to push me up and force me to get up there as a joke. I had no choice but to continue up to the front.

The last thing I remember is the hypnotist saying the number three as he was counting down from ten. After I came out of whatever trance the hypnotist put me in, I was standing in the middle of the crowd with my arms in the air. I was completely embarrassed. I was so worried about what else I may have done.

My friends of course had no problem filling me in on what a fool i made of myself. Apparently the hypnotist made me walk through the crowd pretending that I was King Kong. I do not remember any of this. They said that I was stomping my feet while making gorilla noises and growling in peoples faces. I cut my friends off because I was so embarrassed that I didn't even want to know anymore.

Anyway, since then I always wanted to learn more about how to hypnotize someone . I added the link below if anyone else wants to check out the information. By the way, I am now a licensed hypnotherapist. I completed the online course and received my credentials pretty easily. I don't ever do it to make money but it is certainly fun to play around with friends and family.