The Power of Conversational Hypnosis: A Review

If you're at all interested in learning how to use hypnosis in conversations, you may have heard of the online course by Igor Ledochowski. Ledochowski's credentials in hypnosis are impressive; he sports a degree from the University of Exeter and has authored a book on hypnosis. He is best known for making his techniques on hypnosis more accessible to people without psychological training, and has pioneered the Power of Conversational Hypnosis online course to help teach his system.

The downloadable course is made up of 12 sessions, which are essentially chapters that teach you a different aspect of conversational hypnosis. The first session is an introductory chapter; once you reach the second one, you're immediately launched into the world of conversational hypnosis techniques.

Each of the lessons includes audio from Ledochowski himself where he talks you through the various techniques, such as how to induce a “trance” state. The techniques don't involve any pendulum swinging or hypnosis pocketwatches; this system is all about using conversation tactics to make the people you talk to more receptive. The theory behind it is that by talking to people and appealing to the subconscious, we can actually make them listen to us in ways that might not normally.

The course is very straightforward and takes roughly 20-30 days to complete, as it's much like a small but full-time college course. It is entirely downloadable, so you get several gigabytes of material delivered to you upon purchase – all through the internet.

This system is in many ways also designed to improve self-confidence and the ability to converse with people. If you aren't comfortable talking to people or would simply like to improve your conversation skills, there will be a lot of useful material in the Power of Conversational Hypnosis. However, if you feel like you'd rather learn techniques of self-hypnosis or don't want to pay $200 for an online course on conversational hypnosis, this download will probably not be worth your investment.