Study Psychology- Just How much Self Study Is Required?

Psychology is the study of human behavior. It seeks to establish why people behave the way they do in any given circumstance. The discipline covers a very wide range of material and is divided into many categories. For example, there are psychology studies that deal with medicine, environment, employment, human growth and development, among others.  For one to be able to effectively study psychology, there are a few basic guidelines that should be applied.

To begin with, one should have a study plan which they should adhere to regularly. As a tip, the study plan should be organized according to the two hour rule. This rules states that for every one hour spent in class, one should spend two hours doing their own private study. This will help you internalize the materials of study. For this amount of time to be effective enough, the study schedule should be adhered to.

You should see to it that you are dedicating time at least twice per week to review your study materials. However, the amount of time you spend studying psychology should be determined at the beginning of the week, putting into consideration the amount of assignments you have to complete, the readings you have to do and the number of other disciplines you must dedicate time to.

The next thing is that you must study actively. Do not just take a book and read it through as though you were reading a novel. You need to take notes by taking down the key points. Also write down any questions that may arise as you study, you may need to research on them later. Think critically about the materials you gather and then test your understanding by quizzing yourself. Once you are done, summarize the main points at the end of your notes in such a way that you can always have a quick glimpse at them and be able to recall so much in such little time.