The best Effective method to Stop Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is defined by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism as a pattern of drinking which brings the drinker's BAC (BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT) to 0.08 grams or above. This is a common pattern of drinking in America. The amount of drinking required to bring the BAC to this level is different for men and women.  Men reach this level if they consume 5 drinks within one hour and women reach this level if they consume 4 drinks within 2 hours. Binge drinking is a big problem with approximately 92% of U.S. adults who drink excessively reporting binge drinking in the past 30 days.

Many traditional and alternative programs, therapies, and treatments fail to stop binge drinking, and for many, binge drinker's tragedies occur on the road and within their body that plays havoc with their health. A non-medical experience called the Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE) has gained much press and acclaim for a phenomenon that occurs whereby people stop binge drinking and all other out-of-control problems without withdrawals, pain, meetings, treatments or therapy.

For over two decades, more than 30,000 people from all corners of the globe and all walks of life have found their way to the Lenair Self(s) Healing Center to experience the miraculous Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE). The objective of the Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE) is for one to attain inner peace, calm, and freedom, although SHE has been popularized and is legendary for a phenomenon that occurs --- a ‘predictable miracle'  --- that thousands and thousands of people have witnessed whereby out-of-control thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviors, like binge drinking,  are effortlessly outgrown in seemingly an instant.

Hyla Cass, M.D., a highly acclaimed psychiatrist and best-selling author, over the years has referred patients to Rhonda Lenair.  She writes, "Rhonda has an amazing ability to tune in on the traumas – the traumatic events inside people's minds and energy fields that are disrupting all their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behavior."

Dr. Joseph Taylor, a physician from Greater Boston who specializes in internal medicine and pulmonary disease, has had a professional collaboration with the Lenairs for over 10 years. According to Dr. Taylor, "Rhonda Lenair has a renowned experience and success treating difficult addictive problems. She has also gained a depth of wisdom and understanding in the field of medical intuition and the body's energy system. She has guided tens of thousands to better health and balanced lives."

In addition to many health professionals, thousands of clients have benefited from the Self(s) Healing Experience. Among those is Norm McIver from Massachusetts. He says of SHE,"SHE is a true miracle that freed me from horrific alcoholism 13 years and 7 months ago. I am now free to travel around the world live the life of my dreams." Another client, Greg Rose says,"It was like turning off a light. It's completely painless and the desire to drink is just gone. It's been over 11 years."