Acne is a very common issue but acne causes are not known to everyone. To treat acne, one must know what are the causes of acne. One we learn about acne causes, it gets really easy to get rid of acne.

Most common acne causes

Acne Causes #1– Hormones play a major role in deciding how our skin looks. The body starts to produce hormones at the age of puberty. Abnormality in hormones can be a cause of acne. The hormone Androgen is related to acne breakouts.

Acne Causes #2– P. acne Bacteria. This bacteria is a natural resident in human skin. It plays an important role in maintenance of the skin. P. acne bacteria can be the cause of ance of they multiply rapidly and result in the inflammation of the skin.

Acne Causes #3– Inflammation. Inflammation can occur due to bacteria, hormones, excess oil on the skin from sebaceous glands. Inflammation near the skin surface results whiteheads, blackheads or a lump filled with pus.

Acne Causes #4– Stress & Pressure. Stress does not cause acne individually, but when combined with other factors like lack of sleep, improper diet can be a cause of acne.

Acne Causes #5– Clogged pores, dirt, dead skin cells. Dirt and dead skin cells can result in clogged pores on the skin. If the pores on the skin are blocked, the skin can not sweat, beathe easily which restricts it's abilty to move out the heat. This becomes a cause of acne. Wash acne affected skin several times a day to get rid of acne.

Acne Causes #6– Cosmetics. some oil based cosmetics causes the pores on the skin to be clogged which results in acne outbreaks. Hence it is advised to avoid excessive usage of cosmetics and it is better to use water based cosmetics as they do not block the pores.

Some Factors that do not cause acne

  • Chocolate. Contrary to the popular belief that chocolate causes acne, there is no scientific proof that chocolate is one of the causes of acne.
  • Sex/Masturbation. This is one of the myths surrounding many people around the globe. Acne is not caused due to sex or masturbation.
  • Heredity. It is a common misconception that if your parents had acne, you will have acne too. Acne is not a hereditary problem and there is no proof that supports this claim.

We hope that these acne causes will help you to get rid of acne fast . Once you know what is the cause of your acne, it will be easier to treat your acne.