4 Ways to Success and Happiness

A person looking for success and happiness is usually a person with self esteem and confidence issues.  If you look around you, what do the successful and happy people have in common?  Usually, you will find that they are self confident and have self esteem.  Think about it, if you are suffering of low self esteem, do you think you can be happy?  Do you think you can be successful?  In most cases, the answer is NO.  I have put together 4 easy steps to follow to get you going to the path of success and happiness very quickly.

When you look around, it is truly remarkable the number of people that are just satisfied with what they have in life.  Some are OK with being able to pay the bills but have no desire to do more.  Some are satisfied just because they have someone in their life and have giving up on true love.  The lack of self confidence or self esteem is a decease and if you truly want to get better and become successful and happy, here’s what you do.

#1 It is time to learn a new skill.  What I mean is not necessarily go back to school and learn a new profession but it could be but and new skill set. When you lack confidence, you lack the desire to do what you need to do and obviously is a detriment to you. Knowledge makes people feel confident about themselves. As I am sure you heard before, knowledge is power and the more you have, the more successful you can be.

#2 Always use intelligent patience, because you may try to learn a new skill set but you are just having a hard time learning it therefore you are thinking of giving up.  In this case, intelligent patience would be to know that learning a new skill, no matter how big or small it might be, you will have a learning curve and probably some frustration along the way.  Once you accomplish your goal, you will have a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Be patient!!

#3 Who are you hanging out with or spending time with?  The old saying you are who you spend time with is very true.  Do you ever see someone who makes $250K a year spending time with someone who makes $40K a year?  It is the same thing about your self confidence.  Are your friends in the same boat as you?  Do they lack confidence or do they have low self esteem?  If they do, I am sorry to say this but you need new friends with self confidence and self esteem so it can rub on you.

#4: Find a good mentor.  If you want to make 1 million dollars, who are you going to ask advice to? The person who made a million dollars already or the person who has not made a million dollars; The answer is obvious.  Do the same here; find someone to mentor you that has a great self confidence and self esteem.  This will be a great asset for you to have and it will reduce your learning curve drastically and bring you to road success and happiness.

In order to find success and happiness, you must go look for it.  One of my mentors told me one day “hope is not a strategy” To this day I live by that saying.  Figure out what is important to you, establish your plan on how you will get there and go for it.  At first, I would recommend you start with a small goal and rebuild your life from there. Then something bigger and build your confidence and self esteem one step at the time.  If you would like to learn more on how you could build your self confidence and your self esteem, visit