The best effective method to Stop Alcohol Cravings

Alcohol craving is often an early sign of dependence on alcohol and is the result of excessive alcohol usage. In just one year there were 79,000 deaths attributable to excessive alcohol consumption in the United States, making it the third leading cause of death in the country. Just in 2005, there were over 1.6 million hospitalizations and more than 4 million emergency room visits for alcohol-related conditions.

The Lenair Self(s) Healing Center has assisted well over 30,000 people from all walks of life and most corners of the world that have struggled with obstacles like alcohol cravings and addictions that have prevented or blocked them from attaining and sustaining inner peace, calm, and freedom. Regardless of what the out-of-control obstacles are –excessive drinking, smoking, eating, stress, anxiety, fear, emotional blocks or other ‘peace inhibitors' - a person's system discloses what it needs to outgrow in order to reach the sanctity of inner peace through what is called the Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE).

The experience of SHE is getting more well-known day by day.Over the years, many professionals health professionals have recognized the effectiveness of the SHE for clients that needed a way to stop alcohol cravings and consumption and endorsed this non-medical experience for their patients, families, and themselves.

Hyla Cass, M.D., a highly acclaimed psychiatrist and best-selling author, over the years has referred patients to Rhonda Lenair. "Rhonda has an amazing ability to tune in on the traumas. She clears up your own energy field and you can start fresh, start clean. I've seen her take away people's alcohol cravings …  I highly recommend Rhonda and her work … and I will continue to send people to her and I will recommend her completely with no reservations."

Another respected physician, Dr. Joseph Taylor, from Greater Boston who specializes in internal medicine and pulmonary disease, has had a professional collaboration with the Lenairs for over 10 years. Dr. Taylor says of Rhonda, "Rhonda Lenair has renowned experience and success treating difficult addictive problems. She has also gained a depth of wisdom and understanding in the field of medical intuition and the body's energy system. She has guided tens of thousands to better health and balanced lives." Medical professionals are more in touch with the human body and mind which makes their comments very valuable.

In addition to those in the medical field, scores of clients that experienced ‘predictable miracles' through the Self(s) Healing Experience speak most highly about the ease of the process and exceptional results of this experience.

"It was like turning off a light. It's completely painless and the desire to drink is just gone. It's been over 11 years," said Gregg Rose of Massachusetts. Similarly, Linda B. from New Hampshire says of her experience, "…POOF - GONE! All those tedious, self-destructive, frustrating and bewildering cravings for alcohol - gone - in hours. I am in disbelief and jaw-dropping awe over what you accomplished for me."

Since 1987, people have witnessed multiple ‘miracles' in the presence of Rhonda Lenair by them outgrowing revolving problems and patterns that block inner peace and have been subject to a series of other predestined unpredictable miracles that also occur through SHE. Her healing center has assisted well over 30,000 people from all walks of life and most corners of the world. Many people have called this non-medical experience the most effective way to stop alcohol cravings.