What matters...

What matters……

What matters is “GIVING” because the moment you start expecting in return you entrust the reigns of your happiness to others.

GIVING a helping hand to a destitute, hope to one in distress, smile to all one comes across and love to all that is living is not difficult initially; you start joyfully with greater tranquility and contentment within but with passage of time unknowingly, your expectations from others starts creeping up slowly.

Inadvertently, you start keeping count of things you give or do, thus mounting your anticipation from others. If others do not act in accordance; hurt, self-pity, resentment engulfs you thus drowning your happiness completely which is now at somebody’s mercy.

Instead, the need of the hour should be to “Give” again and this time would be empathy. Understanding other’s perspective would protect you from unnecessary emotional turmoil, keep your love for all intact and thereby your happiness in your control.

On the contrary if the other has truly acted badly and no amount of empathy would help then you can still give him your “Sympathy”. That unfortunate person is entitled to your sympathy for having to lose such a wonderful friend like you.

We need to keep in touch with ourselves at regular intervals to stop from drowning into the sea of expectations thereby losing our happiness in its depts.  We are here to give; as taking is selfish and giving divine.

Those full of life with boundless cheer and love to give, would eventually spread their wings of happiness to reach the heights of bliss. Happiness is your jewel, treasure it.

Bakhtawar Jal Sethna