An Explanation Of The Chinese Dream Dictionary

After waking from your slumber it is commonly asked if you have conversed with grandmaster Zhou. This is something to which you may wonder why. All will be revealed as you read on. It has to do with the Chinese dream dictionary and your questions about this will be answered also.

Another name that the grandmaster Zhou is called by is Zhong Gong. The grandmaster Zhou was alive roughly 3000 years ago. The importance of him when it comes to your dreams is that he is known to be the creator of the first Chinese dream dictionary. When it was created the name for it back then was Zhou Gongs book of Auspicious and Inauspicious dreams. Legend says that grandmaster Zhou is also the creator of another book known as the Yi Qing. That is why if you have woken from a dream people around you in China or from a Chinese household will ask you if you visited Grandmaster Zhou.

While reading the Chinese Almanac there is a section of it that is a part of Zhou Gongs book. This is a book that is commonplace in a lot of houses of Chinese people. This book is commonly referred to in Chinese households when someone has woken up and wishes to know the meaning of their dream especially if it a strange one.

The Chinese Almanac has within it 7 categories which is how every kind of dream you could think of is laid out. The categories are astronomy, about the persons home as well as the body, any kinds of music, it includes gods and spirits and the body, as well as living creatures and anything that does not fit into the categories will come under miscellaneous.

The logic of the interpretations can seem like common sense although this is not always the case. Dreams that would come under this category would be things like eating meat that has been cooked rather than eating meat that is raw would be a sign of luck.

Of the dreams that don't seem to make sense or in your eyes could not possibly have a meaning that would be relevant to your waking hours would be the one where you may have a dream about a blue snake. This would also be deemed to bring you luck, where as if you dreamed of sharing an umbrella with someone this could mean that you are about to fall out with or separate from someone.

Some of the interpretations will make you laugh, one of them would be if you were to dream of you and your partner marrying or one that is like a replay of a wedding that has already occurred indicated separation, but dreaming that your partner is with child indicates that she is having an affair.

If you were to take every interpretation as if it were real then you could end up paranoid or maybe hopeful about something which is not to happen so you should see the readings as a guidance yet follow your heart as to what you really feel.

In the emperors' medicine classic and which is over 4000 years old the meaning of dreams was used with other kinds of methods to determine medical problems within a patient.

One example of such a diagnosis would be that if someone was to have a dream that had made them frightened or even upset them it would mean that the persons bosy was suffering from an imbalance. If a person was to dream they were falling then this would point out that the top part of the body was lacking in something, where as the bottom of the body would have too much of something.

This may not be your interpretation but this is how a dream is interpreted according to the Chinese dream dictionary.