The effects on health from binge drinking

Binge drinking is a very dangerous pattern of drinking. Despite having a legal drinking age of 21, binge drinking in the United States remains very prevalent among high school and college students. Binge drinking is defined by The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism as a pattern of drinking that brings the BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) level of the person drinking to 0.08 grams or above. In 2008 the U.S Surgeon General estimated that around 5,000 Americans aged less than 21 die each year from alcohol-related injuries involving underage drinking.

For over two decades, more than 30,000 people from all corners of the globe and all walks of life have found their way to the Lenair Self(s) Healing Center to experience the miraculous Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE) facilitated by the visionary and luminary Rhonda Lenair, known as Self(s), the voice of all life complete.

The objective of the Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE) is for you to attain inner peace, calm, and freedom, although SHE has been popularized and is legendary for a phenomenon that occurs --- a ‘predictable miracle'  --- that thousands and thousands of people have witnessed whereby out-of-control thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviors are effortlessly outgrown in seemingly an instant.

Hyla Cass, M.D., a highly acclaimed psychiatrist and best-selling author (her latest book is8 Weeks to Vibrant Health), over the years has referred patients to Rhonda Lenair. "Rhonda has an amazing ability to tune in on the traumas.

Rhonda's gift is that she can tune in or resonate with whatever the traumatic events are and clear and create a new resonance."

Dr. Joseph Taylor, a physician from Greater Boston who specializes in internal medicine and pulmonary disease, has had a professional collaboration with the Lenairs for over 10 years. "Rhonda Lenair has a renowned experience and success treating difficult addictive problems. She has also gained a depth of wisdom and understanding in the field of medical intuition and the body's energy system. She has guided tens of thousands to better health and balanced lives."

"SHE is a true miracle that freed me from horrific alcoholism 13 years and 7 months ago. I am now free to travel around the world live the life of my dreams."Norm McIver, MA

"It was like turning off a light. It's completely painless and the desire to drink is just gone. It's been over 11 years."

Greg Rose, MA

Since 1987, people have witnessed multiple ‘miracles' in the presence of Rhonda Lenair by outgrowing revolving problems and patterns that block inner peace and have been subject to a series of other predestined unpredictable miracles that also occur through SHE. SHE is offered only through The Lenair Self(s) Healing Center – the world's most established and advanced center for achieving inner peace, calm, and freedom --- effortlessly and miraculously.