Contemplation & Meditation for Self Enlightenment

Contemplation is the final level of meditation.  In this state of mind, virtually anything and everything is possible.  Yet, not many can understand what contemplation is without experiencing it.

During contemplation, you enter an entirely new world of thought and mind.  Instead of thinking about yourself and your own problems, you are now connected with the entire universe.  Here, your body and your own mind are let go.  Now, you are experiencing a level of consciousness that allows you to connect with the cosmos.

You realize now that you are part of a much grander scheme of things.  You know that you are just one small part of a very large world.  But, the key to contemplation is the ability to become united with all of this.

When you obtain this highest level of meditation, you enter into the state of Realization of Cosmic Consciousness.  Now, you have entered into a very enlightened, meaningful and completely connected level. Those that practice meditation know that this stage of being, of being in the highest form of meditation is what you should be experiencing.  In fact, most believe it is something that you are born with the need and ability to accomplish.

The process of meditation is rather drawn out, but each stage in the game is something that must be fully understood if you are to find yourself experiencing all that it can offer.  Look at the way that your mind works today, right now.  How does it feel?  Are you thinking about this book, reading it, but have the commercials from the television drawn you in?  Or, are the kids bellowing for you?  Each time that you face a distraction, your mind is pulled in another direction making it nearly impossible for you to focus and to obtain true meditation. Yet, this is something that you can learn.  In fact, it is something that you are born with the ability to achieve and even given the right to obtain.  Allow yourself just a few minutes a day to work towards total enlightenment with meditation and you’ll find yourself in a completely different frame of mind.

As a beginner, don’t let the process of meditation worry you.  The fact is that it is easy to understand and fully something you can obtain. Further guidance is available at in the UK and in the USA.