Hypnosis to Quit Smoking and Drinking - is it Effective?

Hypnotherapy as long been used to help people overcome theirs addictions or personal problems. A lot of people have tried to stop smoking or drinking many times before they turned to hypnosis, for a lot of them it is the final answer to overcome their addiction. Fortunately for them, there a many resources like hypnosis eBooks and CD's available on the market. Some will try those products others will go the more traditional way and hire a professional hypnotherapsit for their hypnosis to help them quit smoking and drinking.

The difference between the two is obvious…For the EBooks and other products you are all alone to achieve the task of getting rid of your addiction while with the hypnotherapist you work with a professional. On the other hand eBooks and cd’s often comes with a much lower price!

For some, hypnosis to quit smoking and drinking is their last chance to finally overcome their addiction and vice.

Get Free From Alcohol

Wendy Freisen is a clinical hypnotherapist, she is well known for her Hypnosis therapy to help people quit smoking and drinking. On of her best program is called “Alcohol Freedom with hypnosis” and comes in the form of audio CD’s. The program is very well created and guarantees to help you get rid of your addiction, by helping you stop thinking about alcohol. She even states that she will help you stop the pain that you feel that might be responsible for your drinking problem.

Wendy Freisen believes that your addiction and behaviour toward alcohol is affected by your subconscious mind. One of her best hypnosis program “Alcohol Freedom with Hypnosis” is based around that concept. The principle behind this hypnosis course is that it will make your subconscious mind adapt to new belief, that you no longer need alcohol. Her Hypnosis course to quit drinking has a very high success rate.

Stop Smoking with hypnosis

Some of the hypnosis course to help you quit smoking and drinking are very good other are very bad, here are a few good recommendation about good hypnosis programs to stop smoking.

Teresa Jeffcot is a well known hypnotherapist that has developed a self-help hypnosis program to help people quit smoking called “Got Twenty Minutes – Stop Smoking”. Since the release of this course it as been said that this program is truly a breakthrough because it combines Hypnotic suggestion and a minimal work of body massage and enhanced technology.

“Whole Body Breathing” by Anna Coy is another known hypnosis course to help people stop smoking. She also believes in using hypnosis to quit smoking and drinking. Her training program helps stimulate:

- The awareness
- Release of tension
- Control of your emotions

On top of that you will learn breathing techniques that help:

- Reduce Stress
- Overcome illness and depression
- Increase your energy
- Rejuvenate your Body and mind.