Identifying Self

This has been a mystery for o many minds to know what self means and leads to? Many theories have come up, so many discourses and of course a lot of psychological debates. The same confusion cam to me as well I tried to delineate a few of my notions but seems unending string of thoughts, more and more.

Now let me pen some of the unwarranted lines out of my mind here. Unwarranted because it would be me who has the selective power to approach the thoughts. For the same I will have to identify myself, in the frame of reference I live in and of course find the context of what is going to be my idea of Self.

One day I heard someone saying Love yourself so that you can love someone else. It struck me and I started weaving a story of I, Me and Myself. This made me to wander to realms I never thought of, I surpassed the banality of finding people around me. It was as if everybody around me got dumb for a moment and a complete silence swept me over. It was a complete doom. So nice and beautiful. I could hear another person – the person inside me…not a unborn baby but a mature voice inside me. I felt as sif there is someone else inside me talking to me, guding me, laughing and smiling with me.

A deep introspection lead me to find the term AURA. The aura of finding a soul inside with whom it is always peaceful, calm sangfroid and ease. I loved this notion of being in solitude where at the same time you arte never alone. Because there is always someone besides you, inside you.

I had a few advantages with this subliminal panorama of self. Now I could direct myself better, see through the tricks of people, and get happy with the times along with my SELF.