A unique technique to stop alcohol cravings

Excessive alcohol use has immediate effects that increase the risk of many harmful health conditions. Alcohol cravings are a big culprit in this because they stop the person from having control over them and make them want to drink. Just in 2005, there were over 1.6 million hospitalizations and more than 4 million emergency room visits for alcohol-related conditions. Excessive alcohol use which is linked to alcohol cravings can lead to the development of chronic diseases, neurological impairments and social problems like depression, anxiety, and suicide. Alcohol cravings need to be overcome if the person wants to behave normally again.

If you want to conquer your alcohol cravings then you need to achieve inner peace. The objective of the Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE) is for you to attain inner peace, calm, and freedom, although SHE has been popularized and is legendary for a phenomenon that occurs --- a ‘predictable miracle'  --- that thousands and thousands of people have witnessed whereby out-of-control thoughts and self-sabotaging behaviors are effortlessly outgrown in seemingly an instant.

For over two decades, more than 30,000 people from all corners of the globe and all walks of life have found their way to the Lenair Self(s) Healing Center to experience the miraculous Self(s) Healing Experience (SHE) facilitated by the visionary and luminary Rhonda Lenair, known as Self(s), the voice of all life complete.

Rhonda Lenair's ability to help people attain inner peace has earned her trust and accolade from people in the medical community.

I am now including the Lenair method in my graduate school classes and my workshops.
Margaret A. Fetting, Ph.D.. LICSW, Los Angeles, California

"What a profound help you have been to me personally and to many of my clients. Your gift for diagnostic analysis facilitates bridging the chasm between Eastern and Western medicine. Alternative therapeutics has been strengthened by your expertise."

Phillip A. Stone, M.D., F.A.C.S.

People who have been cured similarly talk about how they found they had no craving for alcohol after a visit to the center.

Barry and Rhonda, I want to share with you my sincerest thank you. I came to you the Tuesday after Labor day lost in alcohol. Today, I celebrate my 8th month of no drinking. While you must get many of emails for the work you do, please understand by gratitude to you both for changing my life. If you would have asked my 8 months ago- that within the new year I would be alcohol free (no drinking-no cravings) I would have answered with a firm no. There are still personal challenges but I face those with a clear mind and heart. Thank you-you saved my life.
Kate Ruggless, IL

"It took Rhonda 20 minutes to turn around my over 20-year-old addiction to alcohol. I am forever grateful."

Polly Peterson, VT