Looking back in time, one can't deny the fact that people had reservations galore regarding surgery abroad and seeking other medical facilities in a foreign land. But, the gradual rise in the popularity of medical tourism has made that a thing of the past. Long gone are those days when people discounted the benefits of being a global medical tourist. Today, there are nations throughout Asia, Latin America and even Europe that are drawing millions of people for a variety of procedures, treatments and surgeries. When one can possibly receive certified and accredited care for a price much less than in your home country, why miss the opportunity? Helping one save tens of thousands of dollars, while providing quality care, medical tourism destinations have come as a boon to many. Before embarking on the journey of wellness, one can actually research about a particular medical tourism destination, read testimonials of satisfied patients, speak to the facilitators of health tourism around one's area and choose a hospital after every aspect has been looked into. Technological advancements, scientific breakthroughs and a growing economy have all propelled the medical tourism destinations to a higher level vis-à-vis health care. Offering highly experienced professionals, world-class infrastructure, state-of-the-art medical equipment, trained nursing staff, excellent accommodation facilities, comprehensive after care services, and a dedicated and efficient administration to make one sail effortlessly through the entire process, even more so than what is found in The United States or the United Kingdom. Skyrocketing healthcare costs, concerns about long-term medical insurance, tediously long wait times and general dissatisfaction with new healthcare options in the US has left a large section of middle-class people with fewer choices when it comes to medical care. This has greatly motivated them to seek affordable and quality care elsewhere. Apart from the major factors stated above there are large numbers of Americans who are either underinsured or simply not insured at all. Although the healthcare system in the United States is set for change, yet many are wary and cautious. Reduced services, budget cuts, regulations and jumping through multiple hoops before meeting a specialist are concerns that refuse to go away from an average American citizen's mind. Across the border medical tourism, then seems to be a much better choice than footing huge medical bills. A comprehensive list of medical procedures being offered by medical tourism destinations, including orthopedic surgeries, cardiac care, cosmetic surgical procedures, obesity and bariatric technologies, aesthetic dental treatments, cancer treatment, gynecological and fertility procedures, advanced skin care, ophthalmological

procedures, treatments related to ear, nose and throat, neurological care, stem cell therapies,and organ transplants. There is also a growing demand for alternative and complementary medical care options for treatment of chronic diseases, such as ayurveda, naturopathy, homeopathy and Unani medicine. With a little planning, one can gift oneself a new leash of life. Ditch that frustrating illness, go the medical tourism way.