Introvert Tip - Top 3 Ways the Introvert and Extrovert Brains Differ

Introvert or extrovert the commonality for us is both have a brain. If it's true about introverts brains being different than extrovert brains then what about our brains make the distinctions in preferences more understandable?

The eyes and the brain.Your eyes use 65% of your brainpower, the most out of any body part. So then next to the brain, your eyes are the most powerful body part. This explains why introverts at a networking can unknowingly be sucked up into an energy vacuum. Have you ever noticed how many people are darting their eyes around the room? Then, as an introvert we dart around with our eyes trying to find some friendly faces or a haven to take a break. The darting of eyes, if it's an extrovert, must mean getting fully charged: extroverts go outside of themselves for energy. Is it possible with our eyes that just taking in the surroundings and people in it, our energy goes in full throttle?

The mouth and the brain.Marti Olsen Laney's "The Introvert Advantage" cites studies that show introverts have a longer pathway in the brain to access memories or information. The extroverts brain path is shorter and accesses more sensory information. Have you ever been in a brainstorming session and find you want to "pass" on the first round of ideas? If you did, you could be an introvert and need that extra thinking time. If you are ready to open your mouth and jump in with an idea, you could be an extrovert.

The front and back of the brain.A study in 2005 stated that PET scans of introverts showed more activity in the brain frontal lobes. This is the area activated for remembering, problem solving and planning. Extroverts show more activity in the brain anterior lobes which involves in-the-moment or recent external stimulated sensory processing like hearing, watching or driving. One person responding to my online survey about sales reluctance said they have a negative stereotype about sales and salespeople -- specifically they are insincere, pushy and don't listen. If such behavior is brain related then it may be because of more access to the back of the brain. After all who would want to have people think of them as insincere, pushy and not listening?

Not being a neuroscientist some scientific data isn't easy to understand. What the data does understandably communicate is it is our brains to a good extent that make introverts who they are and extroverts who they are and it's all quite a perfect balance.