Build Rapport With a Woman

Rapport is a relation marked by harmony, affection and mutual
respect. When you’re in rapport with a woman, she’ll treat you the way
she treats a close friend whom she’s ready to confide in. With an
overwhelming urge to understand as well as to be understood, she’ll
find everything between you and her agreeable.

Potentially, you can make her do anything if there’s a strong rapport
between you and her. She’ll look at you as though she’s looking at
herself. In some instances, she’ll think she’s found her “soul mate”.

Moreover, when two people come into rapport naturally, their body
language tends to coincide. They begin to “speak the same language”.
And they seem to go through the same kind of emotion and exhibit
similar reaction to environment and any other external event.

In order to effectively build rapport with a woman, you should start to
pace her, or mirror her actions. Simply perform similar or even
identical actions as she does. For example, if she frequently gestures
with her left hand while speaking, do the same. Believe me, 99% of
the time she won’t notice it. If she does notice, you’ve probably
overdone it. Just tell her something like, “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize
that”… with an innocent look.

It’ll be as if you are holding a mirror up to her so what she sees,
hears, or feels matches her reality and she sees another self in you.

It’s a good idea to practice
pacing one thing at a time: posture, facial expression, mood,
gestures, speech rate, and so on. After you become adept at
pacing, you will be able do it without thinking about it.
Building rapport in real life
whenever you can. For example, you can practice sitting in the
same position as a woman you’re watching. Modify accordingly of
course—you don’t want to sit with legs crossed all the time.
When you practice rapport
building and pace other people’s body language, tonality… pay
attention to how the other party reacts and how your own feelings
change as you adopt different or even conflicting body languages.
This will sharpen your sensory acuity in identifying how women
are feeling during contacts.