Perception as a Spiritual Idea

In the early days of life, the boundaries of self are not strong and external atmospheres and pressures mould each of us. As years go by, individual malleability is reduced and the psyche crystallizes into a personality that reflects our most frequent and most intense experiences. We can see from this that our neuroses and our character are shaped by the same forces, and in fact are aspects of each other.

Perception depends entirely upon these crystallized patterns of energy and one would place them in the Solar Plexus. Here is the membrane that is sensitive to all sensory input, and it is sensory input that activates perception. This question of the membrane's sensitivity is all-important since the form taken by the membrane creates what we think of as external reality. Negatively, sensitivity can be seen as the speed of the ego's reactive (neurotic) nature; positively, it can be seen as the more subtle and fuller awareness of our immediate surroundings. The membrane's correct functioning depends upon a relaxed and fluid emotional nature since intense or fixed emotions corrupt its subtle sensitivities.

One seeks a state of sensitive indifference, which can be developed with breathing practices and concentration of mind. Careful to mute our responses to outside stimuli, one is unattached to any emotional expression, yet very aware of inner feelings and able to employ emotion as an added dimension of communication and relationship.

Look within, breathe light in and out through the Solar Plexus, become one with that light until all distinctions dissolve in a field of light. Relax your world-view; see how it is light that connects. It is light that connects. Stand back from yourself and look at who you are, be aware of the parts never shown, let them breathe at last, let them relax and influence your responses and your choices. Be not ashamed of whom you are, celebrate the best and be open and humble about the rest.