Basics of Magic Tricks

Magic Tricks:

Who doesn’t get impressed and attracted by magic? Ranging from small kids to adults, the simple magic tricks entertain them. But magic tricks are not something related to powers beyond human’s reach. It is mere mastering the skills of sustaining the attention of the onlookers while the ‘magician’ completes the well-practiced steps to achieve the magic. Thus the onlookers are eventually convinced that they had witnessed something supernatural rather than recognizing the tricks. Well magic tricks cannot be termed as duping the onlookers; it demands lots of practice and mesmerizing skills like talking continuously while performing the trick to divert the onlookers. With the job of magician briefed, it is time to have a brief about performing simple magic tricks to impress friends and family. With proper guidance and interest of the individual, one can pull off a good magical performance. Though adults can see right through certain magic tricks involving smoke or the trap doors, it is a fact that there exist several unsolved magical tricks all over the world. But to clarify once again, it has nothing to do with witchcraft or supernatural powers; in simple, those magicians had been really clever that they never let their audience guess what had actually happened.

Types of Common Magic tricks:

Most of the magic tricks involve the conjuration with simple playing cards or the coins. Finding the card which the onlooker picks from the pack of cards is one of the most general one. As many will be aware, it is a simple trick of noting the one below the card seen and returned by the onlooker. Care must be taken while shuffling such that the two cards do not separate. Then turning the cards to its face, the card seen by the onlooker can be easily found. It may sound simple once it is explained but the admirable part is most of the magicians do not expose how they manage the particular trick. Unless those are resolved, they can be called as magic tricks. The next most general magic tricks are the ones dealing with disappearance of persons or place, or to cut the assistant in half, to fly without any support and so on. The list is endless and it should be accepted that most of these tricks are worth appreciating for the magician’s hard work and preparation; nothing comes for free, even magic.

The ‘Magic’ of Magic Tricks:

The differentiation between what is trick and what is ‘real’ has always been fuzzy. Though most of the simple magic tricks can be related to the cautious mastermind of the magician, there have been several cases of unsolved magic tricks such us instants when magicians made famous places disappear for a while in front of hundreds of onlookers. All over the history there are such unsolved puzzles which still awe many. It is an agreed fact that there has been no documentation to prove that these were ‘magic’ but at the same time, there are no evidences to prove against it either.