How To Book Paid Speaking Engagements

So, you are very knowledgeable on a subject and ready to share your knowledge with the world (for a fee). You have your speaking points ready, some great ideas on how to connect with your audiences and years of pent up excitement. But, you are lacking one critical resource... clients. You need someone to pay you money to hear these great ideas that you have. What's a potential superspeaker to do?

Don't panic, follow these simple steps and your phone will be ringing off the hook in no time.

1. First, define what "exactly" you would like to talk about and who you would like to deliver your speeches to.

This may seem like a no brainer, but most aspiring speakers cannot name a definitive niche. Do you want to tell your life story and weave helpful or motivational advice throughout? Or, do you want to give targeted action plans on how your audience can improve their shortcomings? Do you want to give small, intimate coaching sessions to titans of industry? Or would your prefer to greet roaring crowds of eager college students? Define your niche and target demographics to a tee. If you don't know who they are, how can you expect them to want to find you?

2. Second, prepare a brief biography and benefits sheet.

Your personal bio should not only tell your story, but find ways to highlight your personal achievements without sounding like an advertisement. Keep this bio short (one page max). The benefits sheet, on the other hand, should have the opposite tone. It should list exactly what you can offer to an organization. Include every benefit that they will gain by hiring you and (if you have them) testimonials from other organizations that your have given presentations to. This will become the framework for the brochures, sales letters and cold calls that you make in the future.

3. Join a speakers bureau.

I cannot overstate the value of joining a speakers bureau. So many event planners go to these bureaus first when looking for new speakers. My personal favorite is the largest bureau, NSA (National Speakers Association). Almost all the major speaking talent in the US is registered with them and their member benefits are often worth the fees. However, many of these bureaus are very expensive and are difficult (for newer speakers) to join.

3b. Join a directory.

If you would like similar benefits for less money, register for one of the major speakers directories. Most of them have websites that will feature you prominently and cost much less money. My favorite of these is The Speakers Guide, ( ), their yearly dues are only about $100.00 usd.

4. Get out there and speak!

Again, sounds like a no brainer, but sitting around waiting for your phone to ring won't do you any good. Contact your local Chambers of Commerce (including your local chapter of the black chamber, women's chamber, Asian chamber, Latino chamber or any other applicable), Small Business Association, School Board Office, Boy/Girl/Cub Scouts and offer to do FREE training seminars or motivational speeches. Call them, email them, write letters, trust me, you will get some bites. Some local chamber offices throw 7-10 events per week. Doing free speeches gives you invaluable experience and introduces you to organizations that will want to book you in the future (and pay you) if you are good.

5. Attend speaking events where you will not be speaking.

Watch what the other pros are doing. Notice how they often ask for referrals from the stage and sell their books (or other material) at the event. Many of them have their own website. Watch what works for other speakers in your industry and what doesn't. This accomplishes two things; you will get tips from your competition while absorbing golden networking opportunities at the very organizations where you hope to be speaking soon. NOTE: Do NOT disrespect the speaker by pitching your serves while there, but DO make sure to gain some connections.

6. Network, network, network.

I could write an entire article about this. As a professional speaker, you are now the face of a company. Get out there and start campaigning. Go to as many local and industry events as possible. Invite important members of your community to your events or out to lunch. Hobnob, volunteer and gravitate toward journalist, CEOs, high ranking executives and community leaders. Build quality relationships with these people so that they come to you when they need experts, consultants or speakers. While you are at it, read some books on effective networking.

7. Print some quality business cards.

There are hundreds of websites (,, to name a few) and plenty of local print shops that will print you a small quantity of business cards for a decent price. Your job title on the card should read something like "Professional Consultant" or "Motivational Speaker." Take your cards with you everywhere. If you really want to make these count, contact a branding firm. They will cost a little more, but they can help you define a real image and brand that may prove to be more effective. Manselle Media ( ) are advertised on TSG and they do great work.

There you have it. Follow these simple steps and with just a little luck you will find yourself in a fulfilling career as a professional speaker. Start today. If you already have a grasp over your niche, you are ready to lay the foundation for your career. Don't just read this article and then forget about it.

Right now, open up a text editing program and start writing that bio and benefits sheet. Once it sounds good, register at Then, head over to the NSA website ( ) to see if you qualify for a membership there. Before you go to bed tonight, commit to your new career.

Best of luck!