Why now is THE BEST time to start a Public Speaking Business!?

Why now is THE BEST time to start a Public Speaking Business!?

Do you agree right now people have more problems they need solved?

I’m so tired of people talking about the economy tanking!  Why aren’t more people talking about how they will take better care of themselves, and their families?

“We don’t know what we are going to do?”  Well, stop whining and decide to figure it out! Look for answers.  If you are spending time commiserating about it, you have lost time finding the solution.

Recently I invested in a T. Harv Eker business seminar.  He said there are two economies, “theeconomy” and “youreconomy.” It is so true.  Most people in the Public Speaking Business suffered a recent downturn in business.  I didn’t.  Mine went up! It was by a healthy percentage too.

Did “theeconomy” affect my business?  You betcha!  One of my streams of income was down, no doubt about it.  Instead of whining aboutthat, I invested all year on marketing and giving people what they wanted. Therefore, my biggest stream of income jumped up.

More, now than ever, people are re-discovering there is no such thing as job security.  Due to a new business owner, someone very close to me, in a high level job, was shown the door after 20 years of service.  See, it’s the owners who get to decide.  Business owners choose the direction, and the people who are going to take them there.  The coolest thing about a small business is that it can be done part time, and there are so many tax write offs.

Why not be the business owner? Have you ever thought of having a public speaking business?  What are you waiting for?  Life is short.  The coolest part is there is no building you have to buy, no space you have to rent, and no employees you have to hire. The truth is, the only barrier to entry, is an effective business plan.  It is easier and less expensive now than ever before.  The highest powered marketing tools I use now range from inexpensive to free.

The most important reason now is the best time, is due to the economy. To understand that you must know what business is about.  T. Harv says it best, “An entrepreneur is someone who solves problems for people at a profit.”  The worse the economy is, the more problems people have.  The more problems there are, the more problems there are to be solved.  The more people’s problems you solve, the more you will earn.

The public speaking business is geared perfectly for this, if you understand what you are trying to do.  Solve problems for people.  You are not selling speeches.  Those who do try to sell speeches, fail.  Do I care if I solve someone’s problem with a live speech, or a book, or a new DVD set?  Yes, I do.  I love to speak, but I’m a business man first.  What do people need, and what form do they need it in?  That is why I’m successful.  I’ve never been to Japan, Australia, or New Zealand.  Some of the greatest testimonials I have come from there.  I love speaking, and it is one of the best ways I generate business, even when I’m not being paid.  As Zig Ziglar says, “You can get whatever you want, if you help enough other people get what they want.”

What are you going to speak about?  That’s easy!  What do you know?  What have you accomplished?  What industry have you worked in?  What adversity have you overcome?  You help people from your experience.  Help people with that.  The biggest problem with new people to the public speaking business is undervaluing their own experience.

After almost every speech I give people come up to me and say, “I want to do what you do.”  It became such a common occurrence,  I realized this was a problem I could solve.  After having a public speaking business since 1994, I knew I could help people shorten their learning curve.  Though my first speech was for $75, I learned it the hard way.  So, now I say give me eight hours and I’ll take eight years off your learning curve.  I developed Get Paid to Speak by Next Week® My system takes people who have never gotten a paid speech in their lives and no business experience and shows them the secrets of getting their first checks.  Their first checks have ranged from $250 to $650, some even more!

I show people, using their unique background, how to get their first checks.  There is so much jam packed into this system my students tell me every time they go through it they get new ideas that bring them profit!

Will you take control of your life and your income?  What problems will you help people solve?  The cool thing about this business is that you don’t have to quit your day job to get started.  If you lost your job, then you have more time to get things moving quicker.  Dreams are meant to be achieved!  Start your public speaking business, now.

Copyright 2009 The Humor Institute, Inc.

Darren LaCroix