A natural cure for the H1N1 flu virus is known to be 5000 IU per day vitamin D3 supplements in Winter months or 30 minute full spectrum light therapy to stimulate vitamin D3 production in the skin during Winter. The cost for a year's supply is just $22 per person or $6.6 Billion dollars for 300 million Americans.

Flu, colds, and many other viral diseases peak in the 6 months of the year in which sunlight is less plentiful and when sunlight is not strong enough to make vitamin D3 in the skin of man.

Every year the public is bombarded by drug company sponsored articles overstating the harm of the coming flu season. It is reported that 200,000 people in the US will be hospitalized and 36,000 people will die every year of the flu. And it is implied that a super virus is on the way someday that will kill millions so definitely get your flu shot this year.

But the actual statistics from the CDC shows only 1,138 deaths from the flu alone. The additional 34,000 deaths reported are added "influenza-associated" deaths from pneumonia and heart disease. So these deaths are added to the flu deaths even though pneumonia and heart disease are totally different primary causes of death and unrelated to the flu. Pneumonia is a viral lung disease and is often tested for and confirmed. But the flu virus is not tested for and confirmed in these 34,000 additional deaths and yet it is added to the flu deaths. And if you have a heart attack and also happen to have flu or pneumonia like symptoms these deaths are added to the flu related deaths. Even though the flu is not tested for nor verified as present in these heart disease death. And so every year the CDC grossly inflates flu deaths 30 times the actual rate or 3000% so that drug companies can profit from the sale of the worthless and harmful flu vaccines--1,138 deaths vs. 36,000 deaths in America.

The drug companies have long had a medical monopoly in America. And selling flu vaccines to the USA and the rest of the world has become a major income stream in recent years. But with the current wholesale CDC misstatement of flu deaths and mass marketing of flu vaccines to the public the public is being used and mislead for simple profits.

A cardiac surgeon and professor of surgery at the University of Washingtom, Donald Miller, MD wrote that. "There is also a lack of evidence that young children benefit from flu shots. A systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo (Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006;1:CD004879)."

The CDC's own statistics show that most of the deaths from H1N1 swine flu in children are from children who have severe vitamin D deficiencies and the Vitamin D Council reports these children deaths are easily preventable. The European CDC reports 230 deaths have been linked to the swine flu vaccine (not the swine flu itself) since April 2009. So perhaps this year's Swine Flu will also result in more swine flu deaths from the actual vaccine than from the swine flu just as happened in 1976 Swine Flu Epidemic. But we will never know because the CDC website reports since August 30th, 2009 it has stopped testing for swine flu. Perhaps because CBS News reports that individual states report that 83% to 98% of H1N1 testing done are negative and NOT H1N1 or influenza.

In perspective there are 90,000 death per year in the US from hospital-acquired infections but little or nothing is done about this 250 per day death rate. So why is America spending more than $7 billion dollars on swine flu vaccine drug money for half of Americans when ordinary vitamin D for less money could prevent this problem for all Americans. And why is the TV and newspaper media still promoting worthless and harmful swine flu vaccines on the American public for the drug companies?

Two thirds of the flu vaccine contain 25 micrograms of mercury which is 250 times more than the EPA safety limit. Mercury is a neurotoxin which is 1,000 times more toxic than lead. The latest autism figure is 1 in 100 children in America now have autism.  So why is mercury still in any vaccine product especially since flu vaccine is also used for children?

The answer to that question is probably extensive legal liability to the drug manufacturers. Mercury is being phased out of childhood vaccines because of concerns it causes autism and brain damage in young children especially when their defenses are down and mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier. But this is also a widespread problem in adult vaccines which might be the cause of the epidemic in Alzheimers, Parkinson's, and sharp memory decline in adults. Might we all be slightly brain damaged each shot or vaccine we take with the mercury and aluminum compounds being injected directly into our bodies and bypassing the bodies natural defenses? And might this accumulated effect in old age be what we call Alzheimers, Parkinson's, and age-related memory loss?

The answer to the problem is widespread amnesty for the drug companies from the massive legal liability from mercury and aluminum poisoning. The drug companies will have to use other less toxic preservative in vaccines and end mercury and aluminum use. To end this controversy and the possible continued harm to the population would be worth this amnesty. It may take many more years of legal action and legislative action to end mercury and aluminum usage so this is the best way to end the greatest harm in the quickest amount of time.

Of the 34,000 deaths caused by heart disease and pneumonia and listed as flu related these deaths will likely be greatly reduced with 5000 IU of vitamin D3. Vitamin D is the primary immune elevating hormone in the body and so if this hormone is kept high in Winter months these diseases will be greatly reduced as in the Summer months when vitamin D in naturally high.

Vitamin D3 greatly affects all major disease categories especially cancer which would be cut in half by optimal year round vitamin D3 levels. Full spectrum lighting is the best vitamin D supplement form of all because it is complete vitamin D nutrition and all the intrinsic factors for full absorption are included in full spectrum lighting.

The marketing of medical products is full of misinformation and incorrect data so that companies can market their products at a profit and continue to do business. But maybe this is an area the public cannot trust to others with a profit motive. The misinformation and manipulation of the public is too great and has become harmful. It is time to end the drug companies' medical monopoly in America and the selling of vaccines and drugs for profit. This is an area too critical and too important to trust others to virtually self regulate themselves and have complete control over in our lives. -- J.E. Ante