Ephedrine Hcl 25 Mg Tablets by Vasopro

Ephedrine hydrochloride (HCL) 25 mg tablets by VasoPro are a synthetic, pharmaceutical-grade, over-the-counter drug marketed as an expectorant bronchodilator for sufferers of asthma. The thin and break up phlegm and relax the smooth muscle tissue of the airways to relieve tightness in the chest, and shortness of the breath. They do this by increasing the efficacy of the sufferer’s coughing action. However, they are purchased by several other groups than just asthmatics.

Endurance athletes love Ephedrine HCL 25 mg tablets by VasoPro because they increase the body’s aerobic capacity and oxygen transportation efficiency. Bodybuilders working to accentuate their cuts and dieters also sing the praises of ephedrine HCL. This is because the tablets serve to increase thermogenesis in the body as well. This means that they help to break down and metabolize fats. They also act as an excellent appetite suppressant. These effects are heightened with the addition of caffeine and aspirin.

Taking ephedrine HCL tablets has some commonly experienced side effects that are generally appreciated by the users of the drug. These include nervousness, restlessness, loss of sleep, and loss of appetite. Not so appreciated side effects are irritability, teeth gnashing and headaches.

Ephedrine HCL 25 mg tablets by VasoPro are not to be used by those who have or may have heart problems, thyroid conditions, high blood pressure, or enlarged prostrates. The product should also be avoided by those who are taking or have recently taken Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI’s).

Although Ephedrine HCL by VasoPro are completely legal, you must show valid identification upon purchasing the product. This is due to an attempt by the US government to reduce and eliminate the production of the street drug crank. Purchases are limited to 6 grams per month per individual, and are disallowed for online purchase in several states.