There are tons of ways you can use to deepen your voice. If you have a high pitched voice that is affecting your enjoyment of life, then you can try some of these deep voice training tips below and hopefully one will work for you.

1-Sing and say things in a tenor voice, or as low as your voice will allow; a lot of guys have alto voices like Ozzy Osbourne. But possibly say things deeper.

2-Also throat lozenges help to deepen your voice: Practice with a tape recorder, in front of your mirror, with your fingers, find and isolate your Adam's apple. At first it might seem forced, but gradually, and the more you do it, it will get better, and your voice will become deeper and deeper when you speak.

3-Try cat's claw, asparagus, kava kava. Massage, hypnotism, and magnet therapy might also help in deepening your vice and giving you the deep and sexy voice you have always wanted to have.

4-I bet hypnosis can work if you are willing to spend the extra money, and try massage to loosen up. It's like a work out.

5-However, the best and most safe way to try deepening your voice is by getting a deep voice training program . Doing this, you are sure that you get advice from the pros, which are void of any side effects. There are many of such programs out there, but I have this one that really worked wonders for me. It is called the deep voice mastery guide.

Do you want to naturally deepen your voice, boost your self-confidence and attract more people towards you?
Click here: Rudy Haynes Deep Voice Mastery Guide , to read more about this voice training program, and how it can help you to naturally deepen your voice.