If you are reading this article there is a high probability that you aren’t a people person; you aren’t someone who will walk into a room of complete strangers and make friends, you are the type that will just stand around until someone you know comes around. You can however change this, you can become a people person, you can become someone who is naturally friendly and has so much charisma that you will be able to earn trust and support of the people around you.

Being a people person isn’t hard and the advantages to it are great; you make a lot of new friends, you can learn about different cultures and you will be a lot happier if you can talk openly to people.
If you aren’t a people person or just looking to improve your social skills then continue reading this article for the self improvement solutions to increase or unlock your social potential.

1. Be genuine.
Don’t try being the person that tells bad jokes or does stupid things that they normally wouldn’t just to attract attention, be yourself people will like you for that (plus if you’re not yourself you will get caught out at some point and look stupid).

2. Be the greatest listener that you can be.
No matter whom you are talking to or if you are in a group or individually one of the greatest skills you can develop is listening. Make eye contact and listen to the person and you will be able to pick up things from what they are saying to make conversation on (you will be surprised at how many people don’t listen but just think of something smart to say).

3. Laugh out loud.
By this I mean don’t take things seriously. If someone makes fun of you laugh or if someone tells a joke (a good one) laugh. Someone who has a good sense of humour will be able to attract people to them like a magnet.

4. Be confident.
If you aren’t confident then chances are people will see straight through you. If you feel confident it will show and when you are confident you can attract many people.

5. Do random acts of kindness.
By doing random acts of kindness you will be able to build up your personality and personality is something that keeps people talking to you. So if you prove you have a nice personality chances are you will attract people in.

By following these simple tips you can learn to improve your social ability and you will learn to become a better and more lovable person.