Ways To Develop Confidence In Public SpeakingTalking or expressing self to others is that tool gifted to humankind by which he can achieve infinite success in his life. For example, a person is talented, he has many talents but just lack to express himself before others, this means all his talents are of no work or just lie dormant. Therefore, to develop personality, public speaking is the topic or tool which can not be left aside. I have read many books of Dale Carnegie which are really motivational and inspires me to write and post here in my blog. I say these books are practical rather theoretical. And, this post is also based on in one of his book, i am just a medium to express his gift and contribution to the society and my experiences too. Well, there are lots of phobias and fears which become blocks in human success and personality development, and in public speaking also, fear is one major factor which creates hazards. "Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world"--Emerson, so if we are able to transform this emotion into something positive, then only success follow us in whatever we do or willing to do. In public speaking, fear of audience is the main reason for self-consciousness. Dale Carnegie's quick method to help overcome stage fright and develop self confidence in few weeks of practice. Get the facts about fear of speaking in public: Research and surveys done in colleges indicate that eighty to ninety percent of all students enrolled in speech classes suffer from stage fright at the beginning of the course--- You are not unique in your fear of speaking in public. A certain amount of stage fright is useful. Many people when need to speak for the first time in stage get nervous. It is nature way for preparing us to meet unusual challenges in our environment. So, when you notice your pulse beating faster and your breathing, do not become alarmed, at this moment, a special kind of hormone ( adrenalin) releases by adrenal gland which activates our para-sympathetic nervous system. This action actually preparing or boosting us to face obstacles or emergencies. Your body, ever alert to external stimuli, is getting ready to go into action. If this physiological preparations are held within limits, your mind will be capable to think and decide faster, talking more fluently and generally speaking with greater intensity than under normal conditions. Many professional speakers also mentioned that they never completely lose stage fright. Its always present just before they start speaking, and may persist for some sentences of their talk. This actually works as booster. "Be like race horse not a draft horse", race horse also needs to be hit before it starts to run. For detailed instructions, please go through my blog!!! Click here |