Why Do You Get Ringing In Your Ears - Do You Have Ringing in Your Ears From a Concert?

/?030710" Why Do You Get Ringing In Your Ears

Concerts can cause ringing of the ears, which may temporarily or even permanently damage your ears. The loud speakers will affect your hearing, especially if you stand right in front of speakers or are in a small venue, this danger is even more prevalent. As tempting as it might be, don't get too close to that stage. The nearer you are... you guessed it. The louder the sound. And the greater the risk of damaging your ears and hearing.

Alcohol can also affect your hearing. If you do not drink, then this is not the problem. However, often when people go to concerts they have a couple drinks. The loud speakers from the concert will temporarily cause your ears to ring. However, if you find your ears still ringing more than a day later, it could be the combination of the loud speakers with drinking alcohol. /?030710" Why Do You Get Ringing In Your Ears

Yes, there are many reasons not to overindulge in alcohol. And now you can add tinnitus to them This is especially true if your tinnitus is due to anxiety or stress. Drink too much alcohol and you may very well find you have a good case of tinnitus. If you already had the problem before you drank, chances are good your indiscretion will only intensify the noises in your ears.

Curiously, though, if you drink sensibly and responsibly you may find your tinnitus improves -- if only slightly. (I'll drink to that!) The reason for this is actually quite simple. Alcohol is really a sedative. A small amount of alcohol relaxes you. Too much... well, we all know what too much can do! /?030710" Why Do You Get Ringing In Your Ears