Public Speaking Is Easier Than You Think & Fun to Boot!

While public speaking may be man's greatest fear, you don't have to allow it to be yours. Begin by thinking of it as a conversation between you and your audience. Such being the case, what do you normally do when you are talking to others?

1. You talk about a subject familiar to you, sharing a story or an experience.

2. You speak with color, allowing your emotions to be seen and heard.

3. You look your listeners in the eye.

4. You breathe while speaking.

5. You believe in what you are discussing.

These 5 conditions are the exact criteria necessary for delivering a speech or presentation successfully. The difference is that you are (possibly) behind a lectern on a stage or in a hall or at the head of a conference table in public speaking. Unfortunately, it is the location that is producing your fear.

If you can take those 5 criteria that you do in normal conversation and apply them to your delivery, you will feel more confident and you will be able to control your nervousness. Notice I said control and not eliminate those nervous jitters. I want you nervous. Nervousness produces adrenaline which is most beneficial. The secret is taking it and allowing it to work for you.

How do you do that?

By initiating diaphragmatic breathing.Notice that the 4th of those conditions deals with breathing. At the lectern, breathing is not only something we never think to do but our lack of air usually results in breathlessness. Learn how to breathe with the support of your diaphragm and you will discover the best means of controlling your nerves in any form of public speaking.

Since 99% of the population is not breathing in this fashion, chances are good that you are part of the majority. The result is shallow or lazy breathing which actually increases your stress because it does not allow for the toxins in the body to be eliminated. (And, an abundance of those toxins have a negative effect on your body in all areas of your life as well which is why so many women are sore in their neck, shoulder, or jaw regions by the end of the day.)

Learn to breathe correctly with support and you will find that, by controlling your stress, your senses are heightened and you are more alert which is most beneficial for your delivery.

Public speaking need not be your worst nightmare. Instead, think of it as a conversation and learn to breathe correctly. You just may discover how much fun it really is!