Underlying Causes and Solutions That Can Cure Your Acne Problem Rrecently Revealed by Experts

You can finally conquer acne and enjoy that beautiful skin nature has intended you to have. I know that the worst damage acne does to its victims is the great harm of low self esteem. But the good news now is that you do not have to suffer acne for too long once you can understand what causes it, and most importantly the kind of nutritional elements your skin will need.Every acne-cure expert knows that eating the right nutrient will determine how much success you will achieve in your acne cure endeavour.

There are many factors that can cause acne development to take place.So in this article i am going to share with you the MOST important underlying causes and solutions of acne recently revealed by experts. If you miss these solutions your acne cure will fail.

But what is it that causes some teenagers to have severe acne while others have clear skin? The specific causes of acne are various and can be different for each person.

1.Heredity is a known factor in acne. If you had acne during your adolescent years, your child may also be susceptible to it.

2.Allergies to molds, foods, chemicals, cosmetics, and other substances can result in acne.

3. Nervous system disorders can cause a person to be acne-prone.

4. Some medications like dilation lithium, ionized, iodine, steroids, and some birth control pills can cause acne.

5. In some cases, Candida-yeast overgrown, toxic bowel, liver dysfunction and thyroid, gonad or adrenal disorders are some of the known causes of acne.

6. Acne is caused by improper diet, pollution, hormonal imbalance, and allergies to certain skin care products as well as improper skin care.

7. Women are prone to acne during menstrual period, menopause or while on birth control pills.

To find a good acne treatment can be easier once these underlying causes are determined.

• If your underlying cause for acne is improper digestion or a hormonal imbalance, treating them gradually will reduce acne.

• Acne cause due to food allergies can be treated by not eating food that causes the allergy.

• Using mild scrub as gentle exfoliation is helpful.

• Using a variety of essential oils such as rosewood oil, tea tree oil, eucalypti oil, sandalwood oil, have proven to be very effective for the treatment of acne problems.

• Stop using oil-based makeup, hair products, and similar cosmetic products if you really want to get rid of acne

. • Avoid getting any kind of oil on your skin. This includes mechanical oils, greases as well as cooking oils.

In conclusion, diet and lifestyles need to be changed in order to get rid of acne. Watch what you eat and include vegetables and fruits in your diet as well as drink plenty of water daily. Make a careful observation of what triggers acne off. In some cases, eating of fatty and oily foods can trigger off acne. Fast foods which contain large amount of oils and oil-based cosmetic products should be avoided.

Now that you have known some tips, you should know the specific methods and the kind of work-outs that produce result. You can learn a lot more and get FREE resources at that will help you to know how to cure acne at home.