Cause Of Ear Noise - 6 Things That Cause Tinnitus

/?030710" Cause Of Ear Noise

That constant ringing in the ears is surely something you want to get rid of! Severe tinnitus can drive a person crazy, and mild tinnitus is at least very annoying. You continually hear a constant high-pitched noise in your ear that is not coming from the outside.Cause Of Ear Noise

While everyone else lays their head down in bed and says, "Ah, peace and quiet," you still hear that nasty ringing.

People often ask, "So how do you get rid of this disease?" And the answer has to be, "Tinnitus is not a disease," it is a symptom or side affect of some other physical disorder or problem.

Whatever it is, it is annoying and you want to stop that noise in your ears. However, in order to stop that noise, you must first get to the cause. When you fix the cause of the noise, the noise will stop.

So, to help you out, I am going to give you a list of 6 things that can cause ringing in the ears, so that you can work on fixing the root of the problem and, hopefully, get rid of your ear noise:

1. Loud noises or bangs. Loud noises will often cause ear ringing, so stay away from loud noises, or where ear protection if you have to be around these noises. /?030710" Cause Of Ear Noise

2. High doses of aspirin. That's right, that wonderful painkiller and blood thinner may be great for pain or heart disease, but if you have tinnitus, it can be the cause. So try a different kind of painkiller, such as ibuprofen and see what happens.

3. High blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, you should be working on getting it down anyway. High blood pressure is bad for your heart and can cause tinnitus too. Maintaining a regular exercise regime should help.

4. High doses of antibiotics. Sometimes you have to take high doses of antibiotics to deal with an infection. However, some people take antibiotics for anything and everything. Antibiotics kill the friendly bacteria in your stomach, which can lead to many ailments. They also can cause ringing in the ears.

5. Stress. Stress is bad stuff. Long-term stress can cause many health problems, including ear noise. Avoid stress. Whatever you are doing, it just isn't worth sacrificing your health for.

6. Ear infections. Ear infections and ear inflammation should be easy for your doctor to spot. If you have pain in your ear, pay a visit to your doctor. He may be able to get rid of that ringing in the ears. /?030710" Cause Of Ear Noise