How Do You Make Yourself Look Taller - How to Make Yourself Look Taller

/?020710" How Do You Make Yourself Look Taller

Many studies have been done over the years to prove that people that are taller tend to be more successful in life. They are more well-liked, get higher-paying jobs, and get further in life. Considering all this, it is no wonder that so many people would like to be taller than they are. Although there are ways to actually grow taller even after puberty is over, those methods take time and may not work for everyone. Instead, it is far simpler to just learn how to make yourself look taller, which is easier than you may think. Below are some simple tips on how to look taller minutes from now:How Do You Make Yourself Look Taller

1)Wear Dark

Darker colors can minimize your features to make you look taller. Black, dark brown, dark blue, or combinations of these colors would make good choices.

2)Note the Direction of Those Stripes

Clothing with vertical stripes can make you look taller. Stay away from horizontal stripes, which can have the opposite effect. Also avoid circular-shaped patterns such as polka dots or flowers. /?020710" How Do You Make Yourself Look Taller

3)Synchronize Your Top and Bottom

If the colors of your top and bottom contrast too much, it will cause a sort of break in the visual effect that will make you look shorter. Instead, try to pick pants that are of the same or similar color as your top.

4)Avoid Baggy Clothing

Loose or baggy clothing will not only make you look fatter than you are, it can also make you look shorter than you are. Although tight clothing is not suggested, try to pick clothes that fit just right the next time you go shopping for clothes.How Do You Make Yourself Look Taller

5)Wear Heels

Many women enjoy the height increase by wearing heels, and guys have that option also. I am not suggesting for guys to wear high heels. What I am suggesting are elevator shoes. Elevator shoes come with thick inner inserts that will lift your heels to give you up to an extra 2.7 inches. From the outside, people will not be able to tell that they are any different than regular shoes.

6)Wear Tall Hair

Hair that is either too long or too short in length can make you look short overall. To look taller, wear a tall hairstyle. It may take longer to gel and set your hair in the morning, but you will look taller when you go out. /?020710" How Do You Make Yourself Look Taller