Home-Made Acne Cure Tips

Acne is often caused by over production of certain hormones which in turn leads to a chemical imbalance within the body.

A lot of us can look forward to a relatively acne-free future, as long as we maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Acne solutions are just at the top of your fingers. Here is an example of home-made acne free tips:

1. Dabble garlic on affected areas.

2. Wash your face with warm water and salt at night before you sleep.

3. Drink plenty of water.

4. Avoid foods that are high in fat and iodine. Use sea salt instead of iodized salt in your food.

5. Apply lemon juice to your pimples

6. Paste your face with egg white as a grappling mask.

7. Use rosemary oil and tea tree drops with manuka honey. Use this mixture as a face wash instead of your regular bathing soap.

8. Try coconut oil. It moisturizes your body cells and helps your body to fight off yeast and bacteria and keep acne under check. Apply it on and around the acne and you will see appreciable results in a couple of days.

9. Use bake soda. It is gentle on the your skin and help against diseases being an exfoliating natural remedy.

10. Another proven natural acne solution that help to keep acne under check is jojoba. To use it, mix it with 100ml of warm water and rub it lightly on your face. Jojoba removes the dead skin cell which cause bacteria that leads to acne outbreaks.

Now that you have known some tips, you should know the specific methods and the kind of work-outs that produce result. You can learn a lot more and get FREE resources at that will help you to know how to cure acne at home