Presentation Lesson from a Spunky Little Old Lady

Presentation Lesson from a Little Old Lady at the Craps TableBy Darren LaCroix

Ever felt like you were hit squarely in the face by a lesson from an unexpected mentor?   When they are absolutely right, it usually hurts more.

I was just in Bel Air, CA attending a casino night fundraiser for a friend of a friend’s theater company. Since my friend was busy volunteering, I decided to use my time as a learning experience. Because I live in Las Vegas, casino jokes were flying my way. I realized I did not understand the dice game “craps.” I did not get it, but since I don’t gamble I didn’t really need to.

I stood at the craps table watched, listened, and asked questions. After observing for a half hour, this little old lady with a spit-fire attitude walks up to me, looks me up and down, doesn’t say a word, and places her bet.

After she played two rounds she looked at me, and asked, “What are you doing?”

I replied, “I’m learning the game, never played before. I’m watching, asking questions, and learning.”

She said, “You’ll learn faster if you play. You have nothing in the game. You want to learn? Then play!” I smiled, nodded in agreement and continued my education my way.

“What are you doing?” She barked even louder. I laughed and said defensively, “I don’t know enough to play yet.”

She said, “Just put down some money, you’ll be surprised how fast you learn.” I turned to go. She didn’t let me. She wouldn't until I put money down.

She was right. Wisdom from years of experience usually is. I won’t let up either. I won’t turn my back on you, or walk away. I’m going to keep reminding you until you put more in the game. Then, when you do, I’m going to tell you to put even more in. Either get in the game, or move to another table. Life is short.

If you want to connect with your audience better, speak more often and seek more feedback. If you want to be a professional speaker speak even more, and crave even more feedback. Stop worrying about your next speech, and focus on getting to your five hundredth. A year from now no one will be talking about the one that didn’t go perfectly.  However, I can promise you if you give one hundred in that year, the year following you WILL be a transformed speaker.

One thing the little old lady with the attitude did not teach me was when to stop. I kept winning for an hour. It was fun. Then, I promptly proceeded to lose it all. Though I left with no chips, I left with something much more valuable, a life lesson. Though I never got her name, I hope I always remember her lesson:You’ll learn faster when you get in the game. The more you have invested the faster you will learn.

What is stopping you from putting more in the game?

Copyright 2009 The Humor Institute, Inc.