Public Speaking Job - 3 Steps to Get Paid For Speaking

If that is the case, it is time to stop thinking like a speaker and start thinking like a master marketer. Marketing is the key to get booked and get paid. All the expertise in the world will get you nowhere if you cannot promote your self properly.

Here are 3 steps to help you get paid in your public speaking career. These are sure fire methods to boost your financial earnings.

1. Find a marketable topic for willing buyers

Speech topics are the bread and butter of public speakers. Basically, you are booked based on what you can present. As a speaker you are providing information on certain topics. The topics you choose must be marketed towards the buyers you are trying to book with.

In essence, your topics must match the needs of your target audience. If you elect to speak to the youth market, you must have topics that fit that niche. You may package your materials in a way the buyers can easily recognize. This may include motivation, self-development, anti-drug lectures, and many more.

Incidentally, you must recognize who the buyers are. They are the ones that should be initially impressed because they are the ones that will be booking you to speak. The audience can be secondary but should be considered nevertheless.

Appear exclusive to the niche. Buyers will always prefer specialists on the field over general speakers. If you are perceived to be an expert on youth, you will definitely get speaking engagements for the youth audience.

2. Get out there and network with the right people

Remember ABC. Always Be Collecting! Networking will help you collect potential clients and that will help you with expanding your database.

Connecting with the right individuals will make the public aware of your expertise and availability. You can also get a lot of referrals. You can even get booked through word-of-mouth.

Be courteous and charming. Speaking skills are not only appropriate on stage they can be effective for marketing off the stage as well. Exude enthusiasm and confidence. Sure enough, you will start to get calls from interested buyers that you cannot remember marketing to. The power of networking is immense. Always bear that in mind.

3. Create products or materials that will not only enhance your credibility but can also become an additional stream of income

A speaker with relevant books or other type of resources will always be perceived as an accomplished expert on a particular field. The product can also be put to sale and at the same time become marketing materials. Supplementary products can also be used as an incentive for your offers just to make your proposals more persuasive.

Products can be sold online or after your speech to make you more publicly visible as professional speaker.