How to Speak at Youth Conferences

Apply these basic principles when speaking in front of the youth.

Humor and Enthusiasm

Speaking to the youth requires more enthusiasm and humor from the speaker. These kids and young adults are highly impressionable but easily bored. Being too preachy in an unexciting manner will easily turn them off. Speakers should always try to inject humor in their speeches. Enthusiasm is infectious and it should start with the speaker.

Making the youthful audience laugh is rather easy; easier than you might imagine. They are also more forgiving than expected. Talking to a youthful audience requires a relaxed and easygoing atmosphere. They are more receptive if you can set the right mood.

Learn the lingo and be hip - but don't try too hard

To connect better with the younger audience, speakers must give an impression that they are well-versed with the younger culture. Speakers must be aware of the lingo of the younger generation so they don't appear to be an out of touch adult trying to preach.

Remember that trying too hard to fit in can also have adverse effects. The younger audience can easily detect that. The speaker will come off as awkward and laughable. The trick here is to internalize the youth culture but still be yourself. There is no need to speak like them. Just knowing their struggles, desires, and interests is the key.

The reason why younger speakers are booked more often for youth conferences is because the younger audience can relate better to them. Younger speakers' delivery always appears natural and the audience is easily inspired. The audience can see something they can emulate. They may idolize the speaker because he or she is seen as a successful and fulfilled young person.

Deep inside, the youth want to be motivated

Everyone wants to be motivated. Others may act like they are too cool for that but deep inside, unconsciously, they need something to motivate them.

Youth speeches should basically be motivational. Speakers may talk about tips, techniques, and the how-to's to achieve success but the bottom line of the content is motivation.

Good or bad, the youth will not really remember the how's. But they will remember the why's.

Why should they study well? Why should they say no to drugs? These are the things they tend to remember because the answers to these questions will motivate them! Remind them that they should study well so they will eventually have a great job and become successful. They should say no to drugs because they could ruin their lives if they don't. That is where the motivation comes from. The methods are just garnishes to your message.

They will not hear you until they know you

Connecting to the youth entails trust. The youth will want something to know about you before you can get them to hear your message. They won't listen to just anybody. They want someone they can associate with.

Tell them about your struggles and difficulties especially when you were young. They can relate better because in their eyes, you will be no different.

Then tell them how you overcame those adversities. The audience will listen because you have gained their trust and they want to experience your success too.