Writer and Speaker in a year- You can do it!

It is with great honor to share this article in appreciation for the  Toronto Public Library. It was not long ago that I wrote three articles within a 5 month period which gave me the credibility and leverage to be able to speak to various groups and organizations in the Toronto Region. Let go back in time and tell you the story.

In  October 2007in Toronto and the Small Business Seminar was happening sponsored by Enterprise Toronto and Centennial College. There was tradeshow and seminar happening all day with lots of opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs. Had lots of business cards and was prepared with infomercial about myself.

“Bring business cards and have infomercial about yourself”

First stop was the tradeshow where there were vendors from various companies Staples Business Depot, Car Dealership, Graphic Designers and many more. The Toronto Public Library had a booth representing the Small Biz Express Section. Had a brief conversation with the representative and continued network and meet people at the show. There was also various seminars  being held by seasoned experts in different fields.

Overall the show was very informative and met some great entrepreneurs whom to this day have contact with. The importance part of networking is the following up with all the contacts that have been made. ( 24 to 48 is the normal time to call back)

Had proceeded to follow-up with participants and exhibitors at the events. One of the tradeshow exhibitors was the Toronto Public Library who had a website call the Smallbizxress which the featured monthly articles on different entrepreneurs and the different expertise. Within the next few months had submitted 3 articles from Mentorship, Effective Networking Skills and How to Market and promote yourself and also had one my mentors Terry Gogna ( www.terrygogna ) submit two articles regarding his book “ How can I get myself to do what I need to do”.

Having the articles online gave me the opportunity to leverage them to various contacts that I had met networking in the Toronto area with the opportunity for future speaking engagements. Within the next six months had spoken for Enterprise Toronto at City Hall and North York on Do you have a Mentor? to  Career Door Inc in Toronto who did IT Job Fair with complimentary speaking seminars as a value added information for the participants.

The most memorable and (nervous) talk was my first day for Career Door in February 2008 at the Marriot Hotel in Toronto. It was a two-day event and was scheduled to speak two times. My first speaking engagement and had to do it twice!  Putting together a powerpoint presentation to have some resources to use was ready get this done.

Room was average size with seating for about 50 people with a stage and podium. Going into the first talk I was very nervous until of the hotel caterers gave me water on the house to calm me done and some encouragement sent me of to get start my talk.

Few months early one my mentors had suggested to record myself which was a great way evaluate yourself moving forward to get better, with that had set up my recording device and was ready to speak.

Both talks went well and with the help of Max Haroon ( ) and Ron Vereggen ( ) (who were also speakers that day) were helpful resources to have available on both days.

Having a successfully spoken proceeded to speak to other organizations in Toronto and with few months spoke at Enterprise Toronto, Bloor-Dundas Employment Centre, Skills for Change and numerous time at Career Door Inc  over the past year.

Have learned many lesson along the way from importance of audience participation, improving presentation style and engaging with audience.

On your of success you will come many opportunities that you will pursue with the realization that it will open many door for you and allow to get better every day and gain the confidence and persistence to pursue bigger goals and desire.

Get Connected Make it Happen you too can become the best you can be.