Public Speaking Help - 3 easy tips you can pick up

Having to wonder how to perform well in Public Speaking? Envy those people up on the stage that can speak well and attract other people's attention? Or perhaps you tried public speaking before, but instead of delivering information to your speakers, you turned out to be a comedian. Looking for remedies to solve your problems? Not to worry, I can provide you with the Public Speaking Help you need. All you have to do is to remember these 3 tips.

<b>Public Speaking Help Number 1.</b>

<u>Draft your speech</u>

Pick a topic that you are interested in. Because you are sharing with your audience, you have to know and understand what you are going to say. If you pick on something you don't know or are not interested in, it will be harder for you to speak well. Get an idea on what to say. Try to use humor, personal stories and conversational language, but not too much – that way you won't easily forget what you want to say. From here, you can draft out your speech.

Correct any part of the speech if you think it sounds informal. Put what you have to say in a logical sequence. Make it simple and sweet. Ensure your speech is captivating to your audience and worth their time and attention. Never say irrelevant things to confuse your audience. Once they feel that way, they'll lose interest in your speech.

<b>Public Speaking Help Number 2</b>

<u>Practice, practice, practice</u>

Rehearse your speech at home or where you can be at ease and comfort. For example, you can practice in front of a mirror, your family, friends or colleagues. Ask them for feedbacks on how they think you can improve on.

Videotape your presentation and analyze it. Know what your strengths and weaknesses are. Speak slowly and clearly, show appropriate emotions and feelings relating to your topic. Emphasize your main points during your presentation. Vary the tone of your voice and ensure your voice is loud enough to project to the back of the room.

<b>Public Speaking Help Number 3</b>

<u>Know your audience</u>

Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. It's easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers. Present the desired image to your audience. Look pleasant, enthusiastic, confident, proud, but not arrogant. Make eye contact with them as you greet them. Show them you are friendly and at the same time comfortable. The body language and impression that you give to your audience will make them more interested in your speech.

With these, I hope you can turn your next presentation into your best.

Good luck,