Public Speaking - Mock Ups

To add some humor to your public speaking engagement you can make fake newspaper articles and headlines and book covers by using your computer software and printer.

To mock up a newspaper article, simply find the column function of your word processor and set the column width to approximate a real newspaper. It does not matter that your are not holding up actual newsprint because you could have simply cut the article from a newspaper and had it photocopied. If you want to actually use a real newspaper, you could go through a lengthy trial and error process trying to shade a piece of laser paper to approximate the color of your newspaper. I guess you could also find some actual newsprint that would feed through your printer.

The easiest way is to simply paste or tape your headline or article on one of the inside pages of a real newspaper and then open the paper so you can read the paste up, but the audience can not really see it.

You can use mock ups of real books and publications that people recognize. There are "series" books with graphics that are familiar to the audience. You can use a color printer or Photoshop a humorous title over the book that your targeted audience members will find hilarious as it relates to the speaking topic. The humor aspect really drives home the point of the speech and makes it memorable for the attendees.You can also mock up fake telegrams and letters from well known people who are not at the public speaking event.

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