9 Home Remedies for Whiteheads

Whiteheads are caused by dead skin clogging the pores. Natural home remedies for whiteheads have been around for hundreds of years. In this article we will look at nine tried and testedhome remedies for whiteheads.

Home Remedies for whiteheads:

1. Water acts as a natural detoxifier for the body and helps you skin remain healthy. Keep yourself well hydrated.

2. fruit and vegetable help detoxify your body and can help prevent the bbuild up of bacteria which can cause whiteheads.

3. Sandalwood and water mixed into a paste and apply to the nifected areas. leave for ten minutes and wash off with fresh water.

4. Fenugreek leaves and water mashed together into a past and applied to the face as a face pack and left overnight is another of these excellent home remedies for whitehead s.Remove with warm water the following morning . This is also an excellent remedy for blackheads and wrinkles.

5. Spend ten minutes steaming your face over a bowl of hot water. Take a sterile needle and prick the top of the whitehead. Then place two pieces of tissue on two fingers and gently squeeze from the base of the whitehead, being careful apply too much pressure.

6. Extract of aloe vera is also an excellent remedy for whiteheads. Applied directly to the skin or taken in a juice it's antibacterial properties work wonders at clearing infections.

7. Tee Tree oil applied to whiteheads after they have been steamed, pricked and gently squeezed is another amazing home remedies for acne. It's antibacterial properties combats the bacteria build up in the pores.

8. White vinegar applied to the infected area is another of our home remedies for whiteheads . Apply to the infected area and leave for fifteen minutes. Remove with a clean cloth.

9. Mashed tomatos applied to the infected area for fiften minutes and then removed with fresh water is also effective in combating whiteheads.