Best Natural Ways Treat Hormonal Acne

Hormonal imbalance is the main factor that leads to skin disorder called acne. There is sufficient evidence available to justify this statement. In fact, the most common causes of acne is hormonal imbalance in the body. Rarely is the cause of acne purely dermal. Most of the acne problems afflict women and teenagers. However, what people scramble with most is a cure for hormonal acne. Hormonal acne cures are hard to come by.

It is generally felt that prescription medications and over the counter creams, lotions or gels are not as safe and effective in the long term as alternative medicines, largely because the latter are constituted from natural ingredients. However, before you get carried away, remember that not all alternative medications are equally beneficial though they are cheaper and quite easily available.

Although results using various treatment regimes for acne vary for different people, most people manage to bring their acne under control using a combination of treatment options. Here are a few treatment options for hormonal acne cures:

1. Rub ice on the affected areas. This helps to restrict the blood flow in the acne and thus, decreases the redness and inflammation. This is a good acne prevention measure.

2. Mash up one clove of fresh garlic. Apply the mashed garlic to your acne and leave on overnight as this has been shown to reduce hormonal acne.

3. Vitamin A derivatives, also known as retinoids, are effective at unplugging existing comedones and may allow other topical medicines, like antibiotics, to enter the follicles. Unlike Isotrentinoin, other formulas used, such as Retin-A, are availabe in creams and gels. Using a combination of medications to eliminate acne and prohibit its return may be an effective method of treatment.

4. Black cohosh, dong quai, red clover, chaste berry, evening primrose and wild yam are some of the herbs which help in balancing hormonal levels. However, despite the assertions of herbalists, it takes more than just using herbal medications to balance androgen production.

5. One of the best and most effective of all hormonal acne cures includes rubbing papaya pulp on one's face. Leave this on for about half an hour and then wash off. Religious use of this treatment will yield astounding results!

6. You can also try mixing a solution of equal parts rose water and lime juice. Apply the mixture to your acne and leave it on for ? hour. Rinse the solution off your face and moisturize as you normally would.

7. Honey and cinnamon can also be used for hormonal acne cure. It is considered to be one of the best natural acne treatment around.

8. Keep skin hydrated by moisturizing daily. You may think that you should avoid moisturizer in an effort to dry out your acne. However, moisturizer is actually essential to getting rid of your hormonal acne.