Non-Surgical Cataract Cure and Natural Remedies

A cataract is not a film visible on the outside of the eye, is not caused from overuse of the eyes, and using the eye does not make it worse. Cataracts usually develop gradually over many years; rarely over a few months. Finally, cataracts are not related to cancer, and having a cataract does not mean a patient will be permanently blind.

What Is Cataract is clouding of the eye lens, mostly due to aging, barring a small percentage of other secondary reasons like diabetes, sustained exposure to ultraviolet light etc? The US National Institutes of Health and National Eye Institute have estimated that over half of Americans above the age of 80 will develop cataract or have already developed.

Causes of Cataract: - Non-Surgical-Cataract-Treatment.jpg

• Aging
• Congenital disorders
• Genetic abnormalities
• Traumatic cataracts
• Complicated cataracts
• Glaucoma

Other causes of cataract are stress and strain; excessive intake of alcoholic drinks, sugar, and salt; smoking; certain physical ailments such as gastro-intestinal or gall-bladder disturbances; diabetes; vitamin deficiencies; fatty acid intolerance; ageing; radiation; side-effects of drugs that have been prescribed for other diseases.

Signs and Symptoms of Cataract: -

The earliest signs of cataracts may mimic other eye conditions including macular degeneration. Many patients will notice they have more trouble seeing unless they use more intense lighting. Still others will notice they have difficulty pointing out finite details when reading or working.

There are several common symptoms of cataracts:

• Gradual, painless onset of blurry, filmy, or fuzzy vision
• Poor central vision
• Frequent changes in eyeglass prescription
• Changes in color vision

Many cataracts can be repaired through surgical replacement with an artificial lens. But the best strategy is to prevent cataracts from forming in the first place by tuning up the body's defense mechanisms. The sooner you begin, the better the results.

Non-Surgical Cataract Cure: -

• Vitamin C supplementation can halt the progression of cataracts and may improve vision. In one study, 450 patients with cataracts were placed on a nutritional program that included 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day, resulting in a significant reduction in cataract development.
• This is what it is like for people that suffer from cataracts, which is a disease that slowly forms a cloud over the retina, causing a loss of vision that increases over time. Eventually, it can lead to blinding, which can be devastating.
• Put cooling oils on your head and get it massaged regularly. This treatment de-stresses the eyes and even protects your vision. This is absolutely vital if you spend a lot of time per day watching television or the computer screen. It will also give you good sleep at night, which will completely rest the eyes.
• Fruits that are good for people with cataract are apples, oranges, grapes and pomegranates. Both green and yellow bananas are good for maintaining the health of the eyes.
• Take two small pieces of cardamom and then grind them. Put this powder in the milk and boil the milk. Have this lukewarm medicated milk at night. It is considered to be healthier to eyes. This is one of the effective home remedies for cataracts.

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