Electronic Cigarette Gives A Harmless Vapor

The electronic cigarette is made to change the chain smokers to switch to a safer way of smoking. The e-cig is also made for a healthier lifestyle a better future. In order for the user to use the electronic, he or she must firs buy the starter kit. The electronic cigarette does not produce real smoke but does produce vapor in order to look like a cigarette. This device also tastes like a regular cigarette. The electronic cigarette also consists of micro electric circuit, an indicator light at the end of the cigarette, a lithium battery, an atomizing chamber and stainless steel shell. This enables the smokers to enjoy the same satisfaction as they get from a regular cigarette. When upon inhaling and puffing the nicotine, it imitates the whole process which the regular cigarette has.

The electronic cigarette is just like an actual regular cigarette but there is no burning tobacco, just mist. The electronic cigarette are free from tobacco, from tar, from carcinogens and from a thousand of harsh chemicals that the regular cigarette. The e-cig is also comes in a variety of nicotine levels from zero to sixteen mille grams. The electronic cigarette is also comes in a variety of different strengths. These are the regular, no-filtered, light, ultra light and no nicotine at all. This is one of the features of the electronic cigarette that a regular cigarette does not have.

The electronic also have different flavor they are the regular, chocolate, vanilla, coffee and menthol you can choose whatever flavor you want. Unlike the regular cigarette, you can only choose what brand but you cannot choose what flavor you like because they do not have flavor. This electronic cigarette gives a harmless vapor that stimulates smoking by satisfying nicotine wants and desires. As what they say: "Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health", especially when you are smoking regularly or when you smoke everyday. Aside from cigarettes are dangerous to you and to your health, it is also a pain in our wallets. But the regular cigarettes are not like the electronic cigarette in different ways.