Lung Exercises Can Help You Quit Smoking & Gain Better Health

Lung Exercises may seem like an odd thing to you when it comes to quitting smoking but when your smoking cough starts playing up and you feel your breath is shallower than it used to be then at least the idea it will help your health is reasonable.

Cleaner lungswillhelp you quit smoking as well because once your lungs are clean your body is no longer used to the toxins and tar of cigarettes and actually makes cigarette smoke repellant to you.

In shortlung exercises will make you healthier and make enjoying cigarettes impossible aiding your quitting efforts!

Now this may all sound rather far fetched to many people and the truth is that you cannot achieve this with JUST lung exercises. A regime of treatments called a lung detox can give you the full benefit if healthy lungs and all the positives that come with that including:

  • Aversion to Cigarette smoke
  • Easier breathing
  • Decrease chance of lung cancer
  • Eliminate the 'smokers hack'
  • More energy
  • Better blood circulation
  • and more

The lungs are such a vital part of the body and effects so many other parts the negatives of having lungs clogged with tar are quite horrendous. To start with though, simple lung exercises can really help.

Try standing in a relaxed position with your hands at your side and breathe in and out through your nose normally for a while. Then take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth slowly until you have nothing left in your lungs or so it feels. This is not the end though because there is still stale air left that you need to get out.

Next force your diaphragm to expel the last bits of air by compressing your lower lung muscles and making a "hah, hah, hah" sounds with short intakes pf breathe and forceful expulsion of breath. Do not do this too long if you feel light headed but when you feel you have expelled all you can stand up straight and breathe air slowly back into your lungs through your nose.

Try this several times a day and you can be on your way to better lungs, but if you really want to take charge of your health and cigarette smoking then you need more than lung exercises, you need to know the full secrets of a lung detox . Click below to find out more.