Safe Cig Review: Best Cigarette Alternative?

Smokers are constantly on the search for a way to quit, a way to slow down -- anything to make waking up in the morning feel more healthy. All smokers will admit that they truly enjoy inhaling the crisp smoke of a cigarette, but none can deny that the negative effects are anything but enjoyable. There's the coughing in the morning, the huffing and puffing up stairs, and the yellowish tinge on everything from teeth to the ceiling.

A Cutting Edge Solution for an Old Addiction

Enter 2010, the year of the Safe Cig electronic cigarette. But can these new devices really be the best alternative to cigarettes? While the full Safe Cig review is featured on our website, this article will briefly survey some of the most commonly asked questions about electronic cigarettes.

How We Review the Safe Cig Electronic Cigarette

People mainly ask four questions when it comes to these contraptions; 1) How do electronic cigarette work?, 2) Do electronic cigarettes contain Nicotine?, 3) Are electronic cigarettes allowed in a bar/on an airplane?, and 4) Are electronic cigarettes harmful? Well read on to find out!

1) How does the Safe Cig work?

Safe Cig employs a two-part design consisting of a battery and an atomized refill. When the user takes a puff, a Nicotine-infused liquid is pulled through microscopic holes in the atomizer, then vaporized by a small heating element powered by the battery. This results in the best pure "vapor" cigarette alternative without smoke, tar, or carcinogens.

2) Do Electronic Cigarettes Contain Nicotine?

The answer to this is; it depends. While most users of the electronic cigarette do so to satisfy their urge to smoke, Safe Cig does offer atomized refills that contain no Nicotine. In fact, these cartridges are offered in varying strengths so that if the user chooses, he can slowly reduce his Nicotine intake to none at all!

3) Are Safe Cigs Allowed on an Airplane or in a Bar?

Again, the answer is, it depends. Currently there are no laws in any state or at the Federal level that forbid the use of electronic cigarettes. In most users' experience, the bartender or stewardesses are surprised and fascinated by an e-cig because the devices are so new. Still, it is always a good idea to warn people first!

4) Are Electronic Cigarettes Harmful?

To date, there is no evidence that the Safe Cig has any negative effects on the body. Whathasbeen proven, however, is that when traditional cigarettes are burned over 4000 chemicals are drawn into the lungs. By contrast, an electronic cigarette pretty much contains just Nicotine and the vaporizing agent Propylene Glycol – an ingredient found in such benign substances as toothpaste, cake batter and food flavoring solutions.

This Summary Was Nice, But I Want to Know More!

Of course all of your questions can't be answered in a single article, but this was merely written to give you a basic Safe Cig review. You'll ultimately find the best cigarette alternative by doing your own research online. Start your research today at .