quit smoking and going to vapor

Have you ever succeeded quit smoking permanently? I haven't before but now I did.

what I found is blu it's a electric cigarette.

There are dozens of Electric Cigarette available now all over the internet and store.

What is so good about Blu Electric Cigarette?   I have it and I use it so I can tell you what's good about it.

First thing is that You can smoke everywhere you want! that's a plus even though people looks and have nasty face sometime, I know but you know what since it's electric cigarette they are pretty cool about it. and also they try it too and so far people likes Blu.

Good thing about blu is that it charges the cigarette while in the box. so when you are not smoking, it charges itself. and ofcourse it's a electric cigarette, there is No tar, No tabacco, No ash, and No SMELL! even though, it looks, feels and tastes like a real cigarette.

what I like about blu is that case and way cig is. they ahve white and black stick looks like cigarette, in black case, like cig pack which also acts as charger.

atomizer vaporizes the flavor pack, you can enjoy this anywhere.

another good thing is that this can be charged via USB, normal power etc. anywhere you have powre, you can charge.

Good thing about blu is that there are several falvors available.

I started out with Classic Tabacco flavor. which was pretty  rich in aroma and taste, so I didn't get crave of that nasty old habit.

and another one I like is Java Jolt. it's a coffee flavor. if you ever tried cigar with coffee flavor and tasting that cigar in your mouth, here is your solution!.

Best of all with those tabacco pricing going up all over, Blu Electric cigarette is 75% cheaper than traditional cigarattes. so Why don't you give it a try? starter kit will have everything you need to start. right out the box. Purchase your ?ref=207&products_id=1" " blu Starter Kit right here!